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Working in Research and Development (R&D) and being a University Professor is personal challenge and a key decision for any XXI century University, because they are key institutions for the global development of our society, due to their impact on science, innovation (applied science), and the capacity to influence the economy and the lives of others. Consequently, these aspects that are decisive in the long-term strategy of any university. In fact, the main objective of a modern University is to do research and development (R&D), maximizing impact on scientific evolution (aiming to attract competitive R&D funds and continuous support from funding agencies), but also to use the generated knowledge to dramatically improve the quality of its courses (which includes quality of course programs and related teaching – aiming to attract the best and brightest students), to lead innovative initiatives with industry and economy (aiming to attract support and funding from the most innovative companies and institutions) and finally to spread knowledge throughout the society in which the University operates (contributing to a better world, without demons[1]). Consequently, the medium-long-term objectives of a modern university – which bases its strategy on knowledge – must be measured by the sustained impact in science and in our way of life (real impact).
Throughout my professional life I have always guided my choices – about career and about the relationship with the scientific, academic, economic and social environment – based on the above listed university goals and in the way I personally understand the role of a University Professor and Researcher in the national and international reality. In fact, having a clear perception of reality, as well as the dimension and difficulties of the economic space we live in, is essential for designing a sustainable strategy for the future and for making conscious choices that have global impact: for the communities we serve and not merely personal impact.
Read my full “Statement of Results and Strategy” here.
[1] Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, “The Demon Haunted-World”, Ballantine Books, ISBN: 0345409469, New York, 1997