Publication databases and indexes

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International Journals – Artigos em Revistas Internacionais com revisão

(A completar em breve, algo desatualizado)

  1. Pires, J.N., Zhu, C., “From CAD design to robot models and simulation tools. Test-case example using the Kassow 810 collaborative robot“, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, to appear, May 2021
  2. Zhu, C., Pires, J.N., “A novel multi-brand robotic software interface for industrial additive manufacturing cells”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.46, N.3, March 2020 (IF 2018: 1,267);
  3. Costa, J., Souza, F., Pires, J.N., “Development of a solution for adding a collaborative robot to an industrial AGV”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.46, N.3, March 2020(IF 2018: 1,267);
  4. Lavado, D., Pires J.N., “Sorting Surgical Tools from a Cluttered Tray Object Detection and Occlusion Reasoning”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, to appear, 2019 (IF 2018: 1,267);
  5. Ribeiro, F., Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Implementation of a robot control architecture for additive manufacturing applications”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, N.3, 2019 (IF 2018: 1,267);
  6. Neves, J., Serrario, D., Pires J.N., “Application of Mixed Reality in Robot Manipulator Programming”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, Nº5, 2018 (IF 2017: 1,213);
  7. Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Advances in Robotics for Additive/Hybrid Manufacturing: Robot Control, Speech Interface and Path Planning”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, Nº3, 2018 (IF 2017: 1,213);
  8. Pires J. N., Amin S. Azar, “Norsk bidrag til kombinert revolusjon av 3D-printing og robotikk”, Maskinregisteret Journal (Norway), March 2017 (online journal distributed by major companies in northern Europe);
  9. Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Add, Subtract, and Finish in the same Manufacturing Platform”, January 2017 ( is the most read only magazine in 3D Printing – 1.5 million readers per month);
  10. Mendes, N., Loureiro, A., Martins, C., Neto, P., Pires, J.N., “Morphology and strength of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene welds performed by robotic friction stir welding”, Elsevier Materials and Design, December 2014, (DOI: 1016/j.matdes.2014.07.047) (IF 2017: 4,753);
  11. Mendes, N., Loureiro, A., Martins, C., Neto, P., Pires, J.N., “Effect of friction stir welding parameters on morphology and strength of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plate welds”, Elsevier Materials and Design, June 2014, (DOI: 1016/j.matdes.2014.02.036) (IF 2017: 4,753);
  12. Mendes, N., Neto, P., Simão, M.A., Loureiro, A., Pires, J.N., “A novel friction stir welding robotic platform: welding polymeric materials”, The International Journal on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, June 2014, (DOI: 1007/s00170-014-6024-z) (IF 2017: 2,748);
  13. Mendes, N., Neto, Pires, J.N., Loureiro, A., “Discretization and fitting of nominal data for autonomous robots”, Elsevier Experts Systems with Applications, Março 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.08.023) (IF 2017: 3,711);
  14. Mendes, N., Neto, Pires, J.N., Loureiro, A., “An optimal fuzzy-PI force/motion controller to increase industrial robot autonomy”, The International Journal on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Setembro 2013, (DOI: 1007/s00170-013-4741-3) (IF 2017: 2,748);
  15. Tavakoli, M., Viegas, C., Marques, L., Pires, J.N., Almeida, A.T., “OmniClimbers: Omni-directional magnetic wheeled climbing robots for inspection of ferromagnetic structures”, Elsevier Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Setembro 2013, (DOI: 1016/j.robot.2013.05.005) (IF 2017: 2,809);
  16. Veiga, G., Silva, C., Araújo, R., Pires, J.N., Siciliano, B. “The ECHORD project proposals analysis – Research profiles, collaboration patterns and research topic trends”, Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications, dezembro de 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2013.06.046) (IF 2017: 3,711);
  17. Veiga, G, Malaca, P, Pires, JN, Nilsson, K, “Separation of concerns on the orchestration of operations in flexible manufacturing”, Assembly Automation, Vol. 32 N. 1, pp.38 – 50, 2012, (DOI: 1108/01445151211198700) (IF 2017: 1,642);
  18. Pires, J.N., (2012) “Research trends and highlights – manufacturing challenge“, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 39, N. 2, 2012, (DOI: 1108/ir.2012.04939baa.009) (IF 2017: 1,213);
  19. Neto P., Mendes N., Araújo R., Pires J.N., A.P. Moreira, “High‐level robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unpredictable environments”, Industrial Robot, 39, N. 3, pp.294 – 303, 2011, (DOI: 10.1108/01439911211217125) (IF 2017: 1,213);
  20. Pires, J.N., “Productive robotics in Europe: evolution, trends and challenges”, Emerald Industrial Robot, Vol.38, N.1, 2011, (DOI: 1108/ir.2011.04938aaa.003) (IF 2017: 1,213
  21. A Carvalho, P Brito, J Santos, FJ Caramelo, G Veiga, B Vasconcelos, J. Norberto Pires, “SC7-EVALUATION OF TWO DENTAL IMPRESSION MATERIALS USING A ROBOT ARM”, Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie (, vol.50, no.1, pp.36-37, Setembro de 2011 (ISSN: 0250-4693 (Print) 1647-1377 (Electronic)
  22. Knoll, A. Siciliano, B. Pires, J.N. Lafrenz, R.“ECHORD-The new face of academia-industry collaboration in European robotics”, IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine, Vol  17,  N° 04, : 21 – 22, 2010 (DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2010.938837) (IF 2017: 5,464);
  23. Veiga, G, Pires, JN, Nilsson, K, “Automatic configuration for Programming-by-Demonstration robotic work cells”, Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2010 (IF 2017: 3,667).
  24. Neto, P, Pires, JN, Moreira, AP, “High-level programming and control for industrial robotics: using a hand-held accelerometer-based input device for gesture and posture recognition”, Emerald Industrial Robot, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2010 (DOI: 1108/01439911011018911) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  25. Pires, J.N., Sales Dias, M. (Microsoft Language Development Center): “Interfacing with robots: do robots do what we want them to do?” Magazine Futures, March, 2009 (IF 2017: 2,274)
  26. Pires, JN: “New challenges for industrial robotic cell programming. In: Industrial Robot”, Volume 36, Number 1, Emerald, 2009 (DOI: 1108/ir.2009.04936aaa.002) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  27. Pires, J.N.; Book Review: “Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation“, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 36, N. 2, 2009, (DOI: http://10.1108/ir.2009.04936bae.005) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  28. Paulo, S., André, J., Gouveia, J.B., Pires, J.N., “Analysis of Attribution: from Industrial Ecology to Sustainable Competitiveness Management”, Elsevier Ecological Economics, 2008 (IF 2017: 4,803)
  29. Pires, JN, Veiga, G, Araújo, R, “Programmingbydemonstration in the coworker scenario for SMEs”, Emerald Industrial Robot, Vol. 36, Number 1, 2009 (DOI: 1108/01439910910924693) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  30. Veiga, G, Pires, JN, Nilsson, K., “Experiments with Service Oriented Architectures for industrial robotic cells programming“, Elsevier Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 24, Number 4-5, August-October, 2009 (DOI: 1016/j.rcim.2008.09.001) (IF 2017: 4,031);
  31. Pires, J.N., Godinho, T., “Control difuso de fuerza en robótica industrial”, Revista Ingenierias – Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (, Vol. XI, No. 41, Outubro-Dezembro 2009, (ISSN: 1405-0676) – Indexada em Latindex, Periódica, CREDI, DOAJ, Dialnet, Actualidad Iberoamericana, LivRe, NewJour;
  32. Pires, J.N.; Godinho, T.; Araújo, R.: “Using Digital Pens to Program Welding Tasks”, In Industrial Robot, Emerald: Special Issue on “Robotic Welding”, Vol. no.6, 2007 (DOI: 1108/01439910710832075) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  33. Afonso, G, Pires, JN, Estrela, N, “Force control experiments for industrial applications: a test case using an industrial deburring example”, Assembly Automation Journal, Emerald Publishing, Vol.26, N2, 2007 (DOI: 1108/01445150710733414) (IF 2017: 1,642)
  34. Pires, J.N., Godinho, T. Nilsson, K., Haage M., Meyer, C., “Programming industrial robots using advanced input-output devices: test-case example using a CAD package and a digital pen based on the Anoto technology”, In: International Journal of Online Engineering, Volume 3, Number 3, 2007 (DOI:
  35. Pires, JN, “Robotics for Small and Medium Enterprises: control and programming challenges”, Industrial Robot, an International Journal, Volume 33, Number 6, Emerald Publishing, 2006 (DOI: 1108/ir.2006.04933faa.002) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  36. Pires, JN, Caramelo, F, Brito, P, Santos, J, Botelho, MF, “Robotics in Implant Industry: Stress/Strain Analysis. Part I: System Overview and Experiments”, Industrial Robot, an International Journal, Volume 33, Number 3, Emerald Publishing, 2006 (DOI: 1108/01439910610685043) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  37. Pires JN, Nilsson K, Petersen HG, “Industrial robotics applications and industry-academia cooperation in Europe”, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine Vol. 12 Number. 3, September 2005 (DOI: 1109/MRA.2005.1511854) (IF 2017: 5,464)
  38. Pires JN, “Welding robots: new trends and developments” Industrial Robot – An International Journal Vol. 32 Number. 4, 2005 (DOI: 1108/ir.2005.04932daa.002) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  39. Pires, JN, “Robot-by-voice: Experiments on Commanding an Industrial Robot using the Human Voice”, Industrial Robot, an International Journal, Volume 32, Number 6, Emerald Publishing, 2005 (DOI: 1108/01439910510629244) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  40. Pires, JN, “Semi-autonomous manufacturing systems: the role of the HMI software and of the manufacturing tracking software”, Elsevier and IFAC Journal Mechatronics, Vol. 15, Number 10, 2005 (DOI: 1016/j.mechatronics.2005.06.008) (IF 2017: 2,798)
  41. Pires, JN, Godinho, Tiago, and Ferreira, Pedro, Loureiro, Altino, “Industrial Robotic System Programmed from CAD files – An Update”, Volume 32, nº4, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, 2005 (DOI: 1108/01439910510600164) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  42. Pires, JN, Godinho, T., “Controlo de Força em Robótica Industrial“, Ibero-American Mechanical Engineering Association Journal, Vol.10, N. 3, September of 2006 (DOI:
  43. Pires, JN, “Interfacing industrial robotic systems with manufacturing tracking and control software: a choice for semiautonomous manufacturing systems”, Volume 32, nº3, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press., 2005 (DOI: 1108/01439910510593884) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  44. Pires, JN, Sérgio, P., “Complete robotic inspection line using PC-based control, supervision and parameterization software“, Elsevier Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 21, Number 1, February 2005 (DOI: rcim.2004.05.003) (IF 2017: 4,031);
  45. Pires, JN, Ferreira, P, Godinho, T, Correia, R,”Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para programação de robôs com interface com ficheiros CAD“, Ibero-American Mechanical Engineering Association Journal, Vol. 8, N.3, November 2004 (DOI:
  46. Pires, JN, “Handling production changes on-line: example using a robotic palletizing system for the automobile glass industry”, Assembly Automation Journal, MCB University Press, July 2004 (Volume 24, Number 3), 2004 (DOI: 1108/01445150410549746) (IF 2017: 1,642)
  47. Pires, JN, and Godinho, Tiago, Araújo, Ricardo, “Force Control on Industrial Robotics: using a fuzzy PI approach”, 24, nº1, Sensor Review Journal, An International Journal, MCB University Press, 2004 (DOI: 1108/02602280410515833) (IF 2017: 1,089)
  48. Pires, JN, Godinho, Tiago, and Ferreira, Pedro, “CAD interface for Automatic Robot Welding Programming”, Volume 31, nº1, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, 2004 (DOI: 1108/01439910410512028) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  49. Pires, J.N., “Are hackers interested in industrial systems? Is security an issue for those systems?“, Assembly Automation, Vol. 24, N.3, 2004, (DOI: 1108/aa.2004.03324caa.002) (IF 2017: 1,642)
  50. Pires, JN, and Loureiro, Altino et al, “Welding Robots”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, June, 2003 (DOI: 1109/MRA.2003.1213616) (IF 2017: 5,464)
  51. Pires, JN, Paulo, Sérgio, “Robotic de-palletizing System for the non-flat Ceramic Industry”, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, Vol. 30, Nº2, pp.152-158, MCB University Press, 2003 (DOI: 1108/01439910310464177) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  52. Pires, JN, Ramming, Rauch, S., Araújo, R., “Force/torque Sensing applied to Industrial Robotic Deburring”, Sensor Review Journal, An International Journal, Vol.22, Nº3, pp. 232-241, MCB University Press, 2002 (DOI: 1108/02602280210433070) (IF 2017: 1,089)
  53. Pires, JN, and Loureiro, Altino et al, “Object-Oriented and Distributed Software applied to Industrial Robotic Welding”, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, March 2002 (DOI: 1108/01439910210419169) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  54. Pires, JN, “EmailWare: A Tool for e-Manufacturing”, Assembly Automation Journal, MCB University Press, May-June 2001 (DOI: 1108/01445150110388496) (IF 2017: 1,642)
  55. Pires, JN, “Interfacing R&A Equipment Using Matlab”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, September 2000 (DOI: 1109/100.876909) (IF 2017: 5,464)
  56. Pires, JN, “Objectoriented and distributed programming of robotic and automation equipment”, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, July 2000 (DOI: 1108/01439910010372109) (IF 2017: 1,213)
  57. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Object-Oriented and Distributed Approach for Programming Robotic Manufacturing Cells“, IFAC Journal Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 29-42, March 2000 (DOI: 1016/S0736-5845(99)00039-3) (IF 2017: 4,031)
  58. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Ferramentas de Software para Controlar, Programar e Monitorizar um Robô Manipulador Industrial usando Computadores Pessoais“, Ibero-American Mechanical Engineering Association Journal, Vol.1, Nº2, 1998 (DOI:

National Journals – Artigos em Revistas Nacionais com revisão

(A completar em breve, algo desatualizado)

Nota: Os originais da Revista Robótica podem ser obtidos em:


  1. Neto, N. Mendes, R. Araújo, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Intuitive robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unstructured environments – Part II” , Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 85, pp. 4-7, 2011
  2. Neto, N. Mendes, R. Araújo, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Intuitive robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unstructured environments – Part I”, Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 84, pp. 10-14, 2011
  3. Marcos Ferreira, Paulo Malheiros, A. Paulo Moreira, Norberto Pires, “Robotized painting with automatic reconfiguration”, Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 83, 2011
  4. Norberto Pires, “Os desafios da robótica industrial: da interdisciplinaridade às vantagens da cooperação entre empresas e universidades”, Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 83, 2011
  5. Pereira, I, Rebelo, T, Pires, JN, “Studentjobs: Incentivar o empreendedorismo na população universitária”, Robótica, nº73, Novembro, 2008.
  6. Lopes, FJ, Pires, JN, “Optimização de um Sistema Robotizado de Rebarbagem de Vidros para Automóvel”, Robótica, nº72, Agosto, 2008.
  7. Afonso, G, Pires, JN, “Objectos de Informação Geométrica para Programação de Robôts Industriais – Caso de teste usando uma Tarefa de Lixagem de Peças Metálicas”, Robótica, nº69, Novembro, 2007.
  8. Pires, JN, e Araújo, R, Godinho, T, “Controlo e Monitorização de Células Robotizadas de Produção, Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação utilizando WebCam, PC, PLC e sockets TCP/IP”, Journal Robótica, nº65, Novembro, 2006.
  9. Godinho, T, Pires, JN, “A Autodesk na programação de robôs industriais”, Journal Robótica, nº65, Novembro, 2006.
  10. Pires, JN, “Brincar e Aprender com Robôs. Um Exemplo de Como Funcionam os Robôs Móveis. Uma Pequena Homenagem a Nicola Tesla”, revista Robótica Nº 52, Julho de 2003
  11. Veiga, G, Pires, JN, “Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de HMI para sistemas industriais”, revista Robótica Nº 61, Novembro de 2005
  12. Pires, JN, Loureiro, A, “Desafios da Soldadura Robotizada”, Journal Robótica, Nº 57, Novembro de 2004 (publicado também na revista Tecnologia Qualidade do Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade).
  13. Pires, JN, “Aplicação para o ensino de variação de velocidade de motores de indução”, Journal Robótica, Nº 56, Junho de 2004.
  14. Pires, JN, “Os Desafios da Robótica Industrial”, Journal Robótica, Nº 51, Maio de 2003 (publicado também na revista “Tecnometal” da Associação dos Industriais Metalúrgicos, Metalomecânicos e Afins de Portugal).
  15. Pires, JN, e Loureiro, Altino, “Standardization in Sensor Based Robotic Welding: a way to boost development”, Journal Robótica, nº46, January, 2002.
  16. Pires, JN, e Loureiro, Altino et al, “Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação Remota para Soldadura Robotizada em Meio Industrial”, Journal Robótica, nº45, November, 2001.
  17. Sá da Costa, JMG, Pires, JN, “Future Welding Robot Developments”, Journal Robótica, nº41, January, 2001.
  18. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Modelização e Controlo Posição/Força de Robôs Manipuladores Industriais I – Aspectos sobre Cinemática, Jacobiano e Singularidades.“, Published at the the Portuguese Magazine “Robótica”, July, 1997.
  19. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Controlo de Posição e Força de Robôs Manipuladores: aspectos teóricos“, Published at the Portuguese Magazine “Robótica”, November, 1996.

International Conferences – Artigos em Atas de Congressos/Conferências com revisão

(A completar em breve, algo desatualizado)

  1. Mendes, A. Loureiro, P. Neto, J.N. Pires, C. Martins, J. Sotelo, D. Verdera, “Robotic friction stir welding of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene: the effect of process parameters”, International Conference on Polymers and Molds Innovations, PMI 2014, pp. 133-138, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014.
  2. Marcos Ferreira, Paulo Costa, Luís Rocha, A. Paulo Moreira, J. Norberto Pires, “New marker for real-time industrial robot programming by motion imitation”, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation – ICRA-2014, P. 742-747 (DOI: http://10.1109/ICRA.2014.6906937), Hong-Kong, June 2014.
  3. Rúben Oliveira, José Torres Farinha, Hugo Raposo, J. Norberto Pires, “Augmented Reality and the Future of Maintenance”, Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management (MPMM) Coimbra, 2014.
  4. Tavakoli M, Viegas C, Marques L, Pires JN, de Almeida AT, “Magnetic omnidirectional wheels for climbing robots“, In: IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems (IROS), 2013. IEEE; p.266–71, 2013.
  5. Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “3-D Position estimation from inertial sensing: minimizing the error from the process of double integration of accelerations”, The 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp. 4024-4029, Vienna, Austria, 2013
  6. Tavakoli, C. Viegas, L. Marques, J. Norberto Pires, and A. de Almeida, “Omniclimber-II: An omnidirectional climbing robot with high maneuverability and flexibility to adapt to non-flat surfaces” in Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, May 2013, pp. 1349–1354.
  7. Neto, D. Pereira, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Real-time and continuous hand gesture spotting: an approach based on artificial neural networks”, The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2013, pp. 178-183, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013G
  8. Veiga, F. Caramelo, P. Malaca, P. Brito e J.N. Pires, “On the use of robotics in implant dentistry research”, IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pp. 1596-1601 (DOI: 10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290844), Rome, June 2012.
  9. Neto, N. Mourato, J.N. Pires, “Haptic-based robot teleoperation: interacting with real environments”, The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems, ISCIES 2011, pp. 111-120, Coimbra, Portugal, 2011
  10. Malaca, P, Veiga, G, Pires, JN, “SidneyChart: a statechart GUI for SOA – Orchestration in Autonomous Industrial Systems”, INDIN 2011 – Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.
  11. Veiga, G, Caramelo, F.J., Brito, P., Santos, J., Carvalho, A., Vasconcelos, B., Botelho, M.F., Pires, J.N., “Robot programming via stereo vision in implant dentistry research”, Proceedings of Controlo 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010.
  12. Veiga, G., Malaca, P, Pires, J.N., “An Internet based dispatcher robot”, Proceedings of Controlo 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010.
  13. Carvalho, A. , Brito, P. , Santos, J. , Caramelo, F.J. , Veiga, G. , Vasconcelos, B. , Francischone JR, C.E., Pires, J.N. , Botelho, M.F. “Influence of impression material on the accuracy of multiple implant impressions: a robotic procedure.” M.F. II International Congress of Implantology, S. Paulo, Brasil, 2010.
  14. Caramelo, F.J. , Brito, P., Santos, J., Carvalho, A., Veiga, G., Vasconcelos, B., Pires, J. N., Botelho, M.F.; “In vitro method for test and measure the accuracy of implant impression“, Proceedings of the 6 International Conference on Tecnhology and Medical Sciences, p 329-331, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010
  15. Brito, P., Carvalho, A. ,Santos, J., Caramelo, F.J., Veiga, G., Vasconcelos, B., Francischone JR, C.E., Pires, J.N., Botelho, “Photoelastic strain/stress Analysis Surrounding Implant-Supported Prosthesis with Force Controlled Robotic Arm”, M.F. II International Congress of Implantology, S. Paulo, Brasil, 2010.
  16. Veiga, G, Malaca, P, Pires, JN, “Comparative study on the use of network services in robotic work-cells”, Proceedings 2010 International Conference on Information, Networking and Automation, Kunming, 2010.
  17. Neto, N. Mendes, N. Mourato, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Attracting students to engineering: using intuitive HRIs for educational purposes”, The 15th Robot World Cup & Congress 2010, FIRA 2010, pp. 250-257, Bangalore, India, 2010
  18. Mendes, P. Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Fuzzy-PI force control for industrial robotics”, The 15th Robot World Cup & Congress 2010, FIRA 2010, pp. 322-329, Bangalore, India, 2010
  19. Neto, N. Mendes, R. Araújo, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Intuitive robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unstructured environments”, The 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010
  20. Ferreira, P. Malheiros, A.P. Moreira, J.N. Pires, P. Neto, “Low-cost laser scan for flexible robotic cells: spray painting application”, The 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010
  21. Neto, N. Mendes, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “CAD-based robot programming: the role of Fuzzy-PI force control in unstructured environments”, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2010, pp. 362-367, Toronto, Canada, 2010
  22. Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “3D CAD-based robot programming for the SME shop-floor”, The 20th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2010, San Francisco, USA, 2010
  23. Ferreira, A. P. Moreira, P. Malheiros and J. N. Pires, “Highly Flexible Robotized Cells: application to small series painting”, FAIM2010 – 20th International Conference – Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, pp 244-251, 12-14 July, 2010, California State University, East Bay, Oakland, USA
  24. Neto, J. N. Pires, A. P. Moreira, “CAD-Based Off-Line Robot Programming” 4th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2010, pp. 516-521, Singapore, 2010
  25. Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Robot path simulation: a low cost solution based on CAD”, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2010, pp. 333-338, Singapore, 2010
  26. Ferreira, A. P. Moreira, P. Malheiros and J. N. Pires, “Robotized Painting with Automatic Reconfiguration” – ROBOTICA 2010 – 10th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, ISBN: 978-972-8793-32-6, pp.79-84, 24th March, 2010, Leiria, portugal,
  27. Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Accelerometer-based control of an industrial robotic arm”, The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2009, pp. 1192-1197, Toyama, Japan, 2009
  28. Pires, JN, “From the Coworker to the Cognitive Factory Scenario: New Developments for SME Manufacturing”, 4th International Congress on Welding Technology and Manufacturing 5 to 7 of November, 2009, Saltillo, México – Nota: este artigo foi apresentado a convite, sendo objeto de uma conferencia plenária.
  29. Veiga, G., Pires, J.N., ”USING ROBOT PROGRAMING LANGUAGES TO SPECIFY SERVICE CONTRACTS”, Proceedings of Controlo 2008, Special Session on Robotics Applications, Vila-Real, Portugal, 2008
  30. Neto, J.N. Pires, “Co-worker scenario for SMEs: programming robots using 3D CAD packages”, The 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2008, pp. 858-863, Vila Real, Portugal, 2008
  31. Veiga, G., Pires, J.N., “PLUG-AND-PRODUCE TECHNOLOGIES, On the use of Statecharts for the orchestration of service oriented industrial robotic cells”, ICINCO International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Madeira, Portugal, May, 2008.
  32. Pires, J.N., “The Industrial robot as a human coworker: the role of the speech interfaces”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2007), Portugal, November 2007.
  33. Pires, J.N.; Veiga, G.; Nilsson, N., “On the Use of Service Oriented Software Platforms for Industrial Robotic Cells”, IFAC International Workshop Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’07), University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, May 23-25, 2007.
  34. Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Loureiro, A., “Experiments using an industrial robotic system programmed from CAD files”, proceeedings of the IEEE Mechatronics and Robotics Conference, Aachen, Germany, September 2004.
  35. Pires, JN, Paulo, Sérgio, “High efficient robotic de-palletizing system for the non-flat ceramic industry”, ICRA 2003 – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taiwan, September 2003 (Devido à SARS esta conferência, que estava planeada para Maio de 2003, foi adiada para Setembro de 2003).
  36. Pires, JN, and Pereira, TD, “Robotics and the Construction Industry”, proceedings of the SECOND INTERNATIONAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE (ISEC 03), Rome, September 23-26, 2003.
  37. Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Correia, R., “Aplicação para o ensino da variação de velocidade de motores de indução”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
  38. Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Correia, R., “Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para programação de robôs com interface com ficheiros CAD”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
  39. Pires, JN, Godinho, T., “Controlo de Força em Robótica Industrial”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
  40. Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Loureiro, A., “Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Controlo Paramétrico de Robô de Soldadura”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
  41. Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Pires, JN, “Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para Controlo Paramétrico de Robôs Industriais de Soldadura através da interface com Ficheiros CAD”, Actas das 3as Jornadas Politécnicas de Engenharia, Coimbra, 19-20 Novembro de 2003.
  42. Pires, JN, “Handling Industrial High Efficient Robotic Setups for the Automobile Glass Industry”, ISR’2002, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2002.
  43. PEREIRA, Telmo; SANTOS, Cristina Calmeiro dos; PIRES, Norberto, “The use of robots in the construction industry”, XXX IAHS World Congress on Housing Construction, 9-13 September, 2002, Coimbra
  44. Pires, JN, Monteiro, P, Schölzke, V, “Using Robot Manipulators on High Efficient Wrapping Machines for Paper Industry”, ISR’2001, Seoul, Korea, April 2001.
  45. Pires, JN, “Remote Monitoring and Inspection of Robotic Manufacturing Cells”, AIM’01 – 2001 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Como, Italy, June 2001.
  46. Pires, JN, Monteiro, P, Schölzke, V, “Using e-Manufacturing and Object-Oriented Software to assist High Efficient Wrapping Machines in the Paper Industry”, Proceedings of the 2nd International IFAC Conference on Assembly and Disassembly, IAD’2001, Brasil, 2001
  47. Sá da Costa, JMG, Pires, JN, “Future Welding Robot Developments”, International Workshop on Robotic Welding Systems and Process Monitoring, Coimbra, Portugal, 2001.
  48. Pires, JN, “Using Industrial Robots with Construction Tasks”, Proceedings of ISARC’17 – International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2000.
  49. Brandão, F, Vaz J, Pires, JN, “Programming Robotic and Automation Applications from Matlab”, Proceedings of the Controlo’2000 – Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Guimarães, Portugal, October 2000.
  50. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Running an Industrial Robot from a typical Personal Computer“, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Portugal, September 1998.
  51. Pires, JN, “Integrating a Force/Torque Sensor with an Industrial Manipulator“, Proceedings of the 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – Special Session on Robotics and Automation, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998.
  52. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Position Sensing and Motor Control in Industrial Robotics“, Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Guimarães, Portugal, July 1997.
  53. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Cinemática Directa e Inversa de Robôs Manipuladores Industriais“, 3rd Ibero-American Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Habana, Cuba, September of 1997.
  54. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “A Real Time System for Position/Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators“, Proceedings of the 7th International Machine Design Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 1996.
  55. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Implementation of a Real Time System for Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators“, Proceedings of the IASTED Robotics and Manufacturing International Conference, Honolulu, USA, 1996.
  56. Pires, JN, “Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators: Implementation Aspects using Industrial Robots”, Advanced Course on Modelling and Control of Mechanisms and Robots, Forlí-Bertinoro, Italy, 1996.
  57. Pires, JN e Sá da Costa JMG, “Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators: Overview of a Real Time Control System“, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 1996.
  58. Pires, JN e Sá da Costa JMG, “Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators: a Hybrid Control Architecture“, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 1996.
  59. Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Controlo de Posição e Força de Robôs Manipuladores“, 2th Ibero-American Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, 1995.
  60. Pires, JN, Cardoso, F, “Sistema de Integração de Instrumentos Virtuais“, 2th Ibero-American Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, 1995.
  61. Pires, JN, “Sistema de Instrumentação, teste, automação e controlo“, 1º Encontro Nacional de Automação, CENERTEC, Lisboa, 1993