Publication databases and indexes
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International Journals – Artigos em Revistas Internacionais com revisão
(A completar em breve, algo desatualizado)
- Pires, J.N., Zhu, C., “From CAD design to robot models and simulation tools. Test-case example using the Kassow 810 collaborative robot“, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, to appear, May 2021
- Zhu, C., Pires, J.N., “A novel multi-brand robotic software interface for industrial additive manufacturing cells”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.46, N.3, March 2020 (IF 2018: 1,267);
- Costa, J., Souza, F., Pires, J.N., “Development of a solution for adding a collaborative robot to an industrial AGV”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.46, N.3, March 2020(IF 2018: 1,267);
- Lavado, D., Pires J.N., “Sorting Surgical Tools from a Cluttered Tray Object Detection and Occlusion Reasoning”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, to appear, 2019 (IF 2018: 1,267);
- Ribeiro, F., Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Implementation of a robot control architecture for additive manufacturing applications”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, N.3, 2019 (IF 2018: 1,267);
- Neves, J., Serrario, D., Pires J.N., “Application of Mixed Reality in Robot Manipulator Programming”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, Nº5, 2018 (IF 2017: 1,213);
- Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Advances in Robotics for Additive/Hybrid Manufacturing: Robot Control, Speech Interface and Path Planning”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, Nº3, 2018 (IF 2017: 1,213);
- Pires J. N., Amin S. Azar, “Norsk bidrag til kombinert revolusjon av 3D-printing og robotikk”, Maskinregisteret Journal (Norway), March 2017 (online journal distributed by major companies in northern Europe);
- Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Add, Subtract, and Finish in the same Manufacturing Platform”, January 2017 ( is the most read only magazine in 3D Printing – 1.5 million readers per month);
- Mendes, N., Loureiro, A., Martins, C., Neto, P., Pires, J.N., “Morphology and strength of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene welds performed by robotic friction stir welding”, Elsevier Materials and Design, December 2014, (DOI: 1016/j.matdes.2014.07.047) (IF 2017: 4,753);
- Mendes, N., Loureiro, A., Martins, C., Neto, P., Pires, J.N., “Effect of friction stir welding parameters on morphology and strength of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plate welds”, Elsevier Materials and Design, June 2014, (DOI: 1016/j.matdes.2014.02.036) (IF 2017: 4,753);
- Mendes, N., Neto, P., Simão, M.A., Loureiro, A., Pires, J.N., “A novel friction stir welding robotic platform: welding polymeric materials”, The International Journal on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, June 2014, (DOI: 1007/s00170-014-6024-z) (IF 2017: 2,748);
- Mendes, N., Neto, Pires, J.N., Loureiro, A., “Discretization and fitting of nominal data for autonomous robots”, Elsevier Experts Systems with Applications, Março 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.08.023) (IF 2017: 3,711);
- Mendes, N., Neto, Pires, J.N., Loureiro, A., “An optimal fuzzy-PI force/motion controller to increase industrial robot autonomy”, The International Journal on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Setembro 2013, (DOI: 1007/s00170-013-4741-3) (IF 2017: 2,748);
- Tavakoli, M., Viegas, C., Marques, L., Pires, J.N., Almeida, A.T., “OmniClimbers: Omni-directional magnetic wheeled climbing robots for inspection of ferromagnetic structures”, Elsevier Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Setembro 2013, (DOI: 1016/j.robot.2013.05.005) (IF 2017: 2,809);
- Veiga, G., Silva, C., Araújo, R., Pires, J.N., Siciliano, B. “The ECHORD project proposals analysis – Research profiles, collaboration patterns and research topic trends”, Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications, dezembro de 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2013.06.046) (IF 2017: 3,711);
- Veiga, G, Malaca, P, Pires, JN, Nilsson, K, “Separation of concerns on the orchestration of operations in flexible manufacturing”, Assembly Automation, Vol. 32 N. 1, pp.38 – 50, 2012, (DOI: 1108/01445151211198700) (IF 2017: 1,642);
- Pires, J.N., (2012) “Research trends and highlights – manufacturing challenge“, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 39, N. 2, 2012, (DOI: 1108/ir.2012.04939baa.009) (IF 2017: 1,213);
- Neto P., Mendes N., Araújo R., Pires J.N., A.P. Moreira, “High‐level robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unpredictable environments”, Industrial Robot, 39, N. 3, pp.294 – 303, 2011, (DOI: 10.1108/01439911211217125) (IF 2017: 1,213);
- Pires, J.N., “Productive robotics in Europe: evolution, trends and challenges”, Emerald Industrial Robot, Vol.38, N.1, 2011, (DOI: 1108/ir.2011.04938aaa.003) (IF 2017: 1,213
- A Carvalho, P Brito, J Santos, FJ Caramelo, G Veiga, B Vasconcelos, J. Norberto Pires, “SC7-EVALUATION OF TWO DENTAL IMPRESSION MATERIALS USING A ROBOT ARM”, Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie (, vol.50, no.1, pp.36-37, Setembro de 2011 (ISSN: 0250-4693 (Print) 1647-1377 (Electronic)
- Knoll, A. Siciliano, B. Pires, J.N. Lafrenz, R.“ECHORD-The new face of academia-industry collaboration in European robotics”, IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine, Vol 17, N° 04, : 21 – 22, 2010 (DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2010.938837) (IF 2017: 5,464);
- Veiga, G, Pires, JN, Nilsson, K, “Automatic configuration for Programming-by-Demonstration robotic work cells”, Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2010 (IF 2017: 3,667).
- Neto, P, Pires, JN, Moreira, AP, “High-level programming and control for industrial robotics: using a hand-held accelerometer-based input device for gesture and posture recognition”, Emerald Industrial Robot, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2010 (DOI: 1108/01439911011018911) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, J.N., Sales Dias, M. (Microsoft Language Development Center): “Interfacing with robots: do robots do what we want them to do?” Magazine Futures, March, 2009 (IF 2017: 2,274)
- Pires, JN: “New challenges for industrial robotic cell programming. In: Industrial Robot”, Volume 36, Number 1, Emerald, 2009 (DOI: 1108/ir.2009.04936aaa.002) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, J.N.; Book Review: “Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation“, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 36, N. 2, 2009, (DOI: http://10.1108/ir.2009.04936bae.005) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Paulo, S., André, J., Gouveia, J.B., Pires, J.N., “Analysis of Attribution: from Industrial Ecology to Sustainable Competitiveness Management”, Elsevier Ecological Economics, 2008 (IF 2017: 4,803)
- Pires, JN, Veiga, G, Araújo, R, “Programming‐by‐demonstration in the coworker scenario for SMEs”, Emerald Industrial Robot, Vol. 36, Number 1, 2009 (DOI: 1108/01439910910924693) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Veiga, G, Pires, JN, Nilsson, K., “Experiments with Service Oriented Architectures for industrial robotic cells programming“, Elsevier Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 24, Number 4-5, August-October, 2009 (DOI: 1016/j.rcim.2008.09.001) (IF 2017: 4,031);
- Pires, J.N., Godinho, T., “Control difuso de fuerza en robótica industrial”, Revista Ingenierias – Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (, Vol. XI, No. 41, Outubro-Dezembro 2009, (ISSN: 1405-0676) – Indexada em Latindex, Periódica, CREDI, DOAJ, Dialnet, Actualidad Iberoamericana, LivRe, NewJour;
- Pires, J.N.; Godinho, T.; Araújo, R.: “Using Digital Pens to Program Welding Tasks”, In Industrial Robot, Emerald: Special Issue on “Robotic Welding”, Vol. no.6, 2007 (DOI: 1108/01439910710832075) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Afonso, G, Pires, JN, Estrela, N, “Force control experiments for industrial applications: a test case using an industrial deburring example”, Assembly Automation Journal, Emerald Publishing, Vol.26, N2, 2007 (DOI: 1108/01445150710733414) (IF 2017: 1,642)
- Pires, J.N., Godinho, T. Nilsson, K., Haage M., Meyer, C., “Programming industrial robots using advanced input-output devices: test-case example using a CAD package and a digital pen based on the Anoto technology”, In: International Journal of Online Engineering, Volume 3, Number 3, 2007 (DOI:
- Pires, JN, “Robotics for Small and Medium Enterprises: control and programming challenges”, Industrial Robot, an International Journal, Volume 33, Number 6, Emerald Publishing, 2006 (DOI: 1108/ir.2006.04933faa.002) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, Caramelo, F, Brito, P, Santos, J, Botelho, MF, “Robotics in Implant Industry: Stress/Strain Analysis. Part I: System Overview and Experiments”, Industrial Robot, an International Journal, Volume 33, Number 3, Emerald Publishing, 2006 (DOI: 1108/01439910610685043) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires JN, Nilsson K, Petersen HG, “Industrial robotics applications and industry-academia cooperation in Europe”, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine Vol. 12 Number. 3, September 2005 (DOI: 1109/MRA.2005.1511854) (IF 2017: 5,464)
- Pires JN, “Welding robots: new trends and developments” Industrial Robot – An International Journal Vol. 32 Number. 4, 2005 (DOI: 1108/ir.2005.04932daa.002) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, “Robot-by-voice: Experiments on Commanding an Industrial Robot using the Human Voice”, Industrial Robot, an International Journal, Volume 32, Number 6, Emerald Publishing, 2005 (DOI: 1108/01439910510629244) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, “Semi-autonomous manufacturing systems: the role of the HMI software and of the manufacturing tracking software”, Elsevier and IFAC Journal Mechatronics, Vol. 15, Number 10, 2005 (DOI: 1016/j.mechatronics.2005.06.008) (IF 2017: 2,798)
- Pires, JN, Godinho, Tiago, and Ferreira, Pedro, Loureiro, Altino, “Industrial Robotic System Programmed from CAD files – An Update”, Volume 32, nº4, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, 2005 (DOI: 1108/01439910510600164) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, Godinho, T., “Controlo de Força em Robótica Industrial“, Ibero-American Mechanical Engineering Association Journal, Vol.10, N. 3, September of 2006 (DOI:
- Pires, JN, “Interfacing industrial robotic systems with manufacturing tracking and control software: a choice for semi‐autonomous manufacturing systems”, Volume 32, nº3, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press., 2005 (DOI: 1108/01439910510593884) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, Sérgio, P., “Complete robotic inspection line using PC-based control, supervision and parameterization software“, Elsevier Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 21, Number 1, February 2005 (DOI: rcim.2004.05.003) (IF 2017: 4,031);
- Pires, JN, Ferreira, P, Godinho, T, Correia, R,”Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para programação de robôs com interface com ficheiros CAD“, Ibero-American Mechanical Engineering Association Journal, Vol. 8, N.3, November 2004 (DOI:
- Pires, JN, “Handling production changes on-line: example using a robotic palletizing system for the automobile glass industry”, Assembly Automation Journal, MCB University Press, July 2004 (Volume 24, Number 3), 2004 (DOI: 1108/01445150410549746) (IF 2017: 1,642)
- Pires, JN, and Godinho, Tiago, Araújo, Ricardo, “Force Control on Industrial Robotics: using a fuzzy PI approach”, 24, nº1, Sensor Review Journal, An International Journal, MCB University Press, 2004 (DOI: 1108/02602280410515833) (IF 2017: 1,089)
- Pires, JN, Godinho, Tiago, and Ferreira, Pedro, “CAD interface for Automatic Robot Welding Programming”, Volume 31, nº1, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, 2004 (DOI: 1108/01439910410512028) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, J.N., “Are hackers interested in industrial systems? Is security an issue for those systems?“, Assembly Automation, Vol. 24, N.3, 2004, (DOI: 1108/aa.2004.03324caa.002) (IF 2017: 1,642)
- Pires, JN, and Loureiro, Altino et al, “Welding Robots”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, June, 2003 (DOI: 1109/MRA.2003.1213616) (IF 2017: 5,464)
- Pires, JN, Paulo, Sérgio, “Robotic de-palletizing System for the non-flat Ceramic Industry”, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, Vol. 30, Nº2, pp.152-158, MCB University Press, 2003 (DOI: 1108/01439910310464177) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, Ramming, Rauch, S., Araújo, R., “Force/torque Sensing applied to Industrial Robotic Deburring”, Sensor Review Journal, An International Journal, Vol.22, Nº3, pp. 232-241, MCB University Press, 2002 (DOI: 1108/02602280210433070) (IF 2017: 1,089)
- Pires, JN, and Loureiro, Altino et al, “Object-Oriented and Distributed Software applied to Industrial Robotic Welding”, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, March 2002 (DOI: 1108/01439910210419169) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, “EmailWare: A Tool for e-Manufacturing”, Assembly Automation Journal, MCB University Press, May-June 2001 (DOI: 1108/01445150110388496) (IF 2017: 1,642)
- Pires, JN, “Interfacing R&A Equipment Using Matlab”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, September 2000 (DOI: 1109/100.876909) (IF 2017: 5,464)
- Pires, JN, “Object‐oriented and distributed programming of robotic and automation equipment”, Industrial Robot, An International Journal, MCB University Press, July 2000 (DOI: 1108/01439910010372109) (IF 2017: 1,213)
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Object-Oriented and Distributed Approach for Programming Robotic Manufacturing Cells“, IFAC Journal Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 29-42, March 2000 (DOI: 1016/S0736-5845(99)00039-3) (IF 2017: 4,031)
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Ferramentas de Software para Controlar, Programar e Monitorizar um Robô Manipulador Industrial usando Computadores Pessoais“, Ibero-American Mechanical Engineering Association Journal, Vol.1, Nº2, 1998 (DOI:
National Journals – Artigos em Revistas Nacionais com revisão
(A completar em breve, algo desatualizado)
Nota: Os originais da Revista Robótica podem ser obtidos em:
- Neto, N. Mendes, R. Araújo, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Intuitive robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unstructured environments – Part II” , Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 85, pp. 4-7, 2011
- Neto, N. Mendes, R. Araújo, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Intuitive robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unstructured environments – Part I”, Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 84, pp. 10-14, 2011
- Marcos Ferreira, Paulo Malheiros, A. Paulo Moreira, Norberto Pires, “Robotized painting with automatic reconfiguration”, Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 83, 2011
- Norberto Pires, “Os desafios da robótica industrial: da interdisciplinaridade às vantagens da cooperação entre empresas e universidades”, Robótica, Publindustria, Vol. 83, 2011
- Pereira, I, Rebelo, T, Pires, JN, “Studentjobs: Incentivar o empreendedorismo na população universitária”, Robótica, nº73, Novembro, 2008.
- Lopes, FJ, Pires, JN, “Optimização de um Sistema Robotizado de Rebarbagem de Vidros para Automóvel”, Robótica, nº72, Agosto, 2008.
- Afonso, G, Pires, JN, “Objectos de Informação Geométrica para Programação de Robôts Industriais – Caso de teste usando uma Tarefa de Lixagem de Peças Metálicas”, Robótica, nº69, Novembro, 2007.
- Pires, JN, e Araújo, R, Godinho, T, “Controlo e Monitorização de Células Robotizadas de Produção, Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação utilizando WebCam, PC, PLC e sockets TCP/IP”, Journal Robótica, nº65, Novembro, 2006.
- Godinho, T, Pires, JN, “A Autodesk na programação de robôs industriais”, Journal Robótica, nº65, Novembro, 2006.
- Pires, JN, “Brincar e Aprender com Robôs. Um Exemplo de Como Funcionam os Robôs Móveis. Uma Pequena Homenagem a Nicola Tesla”, revista Robótica Nº 52, Julho de 2003
- Veiga, G, Pires, JN, “Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de HMI para sistemas industriais”, revista Robótica Nº 61, Novembro de 2005
- Pires, JN, Loureiro, A, “Desafios da Soldadura Robotizada”, Journal Robótica, Nº 57, Novembro de 2004 (publicado também na revista Tecnologia Qualidade do Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade).
- Pires, JN, “Aplicação para o ensino de variação de velocidade de motores de indução”, Journal Robótica, Nº 56, Junho de 2004.
- Pires, JN, “Os Desafios da Robótica Industrial”, Journal Robótica, Nº 51, Maio de 2003 (publicado também na revista “Tecnometal” da Associação dos Industriais Metalúrgicos, Metalomecânicos e Afins de Portugal).
- Pires, JN, e Loureiro, Altino, “Standardization in Sensor Based Robotic Welding: a way to boost development”, Journal Robótica, nº46, January, 2002.
- Pires, JN, e Loureiro, Altino et al, “Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação Remota para Soldadura Robotizada em Meio Industrial”, Journal Robótica, nº45, November, 2001.
- Sá da Costa, JMG, Pires, JN, “Future Welding Robot Developments”, Journal Robótica, nº41, January, 2001.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Modelização e Controlo Posição/Força de Robôs Manipuladores Industriais I – Aspectos sobre Cinemática, Jacobiano e Singularidades.“, Published at the the Portuguese Magazine “Robótica”, July, 1997.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Controlo de Posição e Força de Robôs Manipuladores: aspectos teóricos“, Published at the Portuguese Magazine “Robótica”, November, 1996.
International Conferences – Artigos em Atas de Congressos/Conferências com revisão
(A completar em breve, algo desatualizado)
- Mendes, A. Loureiro, P. Neto, J.N. Pires, C. Martins, J. Sotelo, D. Verdera, “Robotic friction stir welding of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene: the effect of process parameters”, International Conference on Polymers and Molds Innovations, PMI 2014, pp. 133-138, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014.
- Marcos Ferreira, Paulo Costa, Luís Rocha, A. Paulo Moreira, J. Norberto Pires, “New marker for real-time industrial robot programming by motion imitation”, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation – ICRA-2014, P. 742-747 (DOI: http://10.1109/ICRA.2014.6906937), Hong-Kong, June 2014.
- Rúben Oliveira, José Torres Farinha, Hugo Raposo, J. Norberto Pires, “Augmented Reality and the Future of Maintenance”, Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management (MPMM) Coimbra, 2014.
- Tavakoli M, Viegas C, Marques L, Pires JN, de Almeida AT, “Magnetic omnidirectional wheels for climbing robots“, In: IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems (IROS), 2013. IEEE; p.266–71, 2013.
- Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “3-D Position estimation from inertial sensing: minimizing the error from the process of double integration of accelerations”, The 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013, pp. 4024-4029, Vienna, Austria, 2013
- Tavakoli, C. Viegas, L. Marques, J. Norberto Pires, and A. de Almeida, “Omniclimber-II: An omnidirectional climbing robot with high maneuverability and flexibility to adapt to non-flat surfaces” in Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, May 2013, pp. 1349–1354.
- Neto, D. Pereira, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Real-time and continuous hand gesture spotting: an approach based on artificial neural networks”, The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2013, pp. 178-183, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013G
- Veiga, F. Caramelo, P. Malaca, P. Brito e J.N. Pires, “On the use of robotics in implant dentistry research”, IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pp. 1596-1601 (DOI: 10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290844), Rome, June 2012.
- Neto, N. Mourato, J.N. Pires, “Haptic-based robot teleoperation: interacting with real environments”, The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems, ISCIES 2011, pp. 111-120, Coimbra, Portugal, 2011
- Malaca, P, Veiga, G, Pires, JN, “SidneyChart: a statechart GUI for SOA – Orchestration in Autonomous Industrial Systems”, INDIN 2011 – Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.
- Veiga, G, Caramelo, F.J., Brito, P., Santos, J., Carvalho, A., Vasconcelos, B., Botelho, M.F., Pires, J.N., “Robot programming via stereo vision in implant dentistry research”, Proceedings of Controlo 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010.
- Veiga, G., Malaca, P, Pires, J.N., “An Internet based dispatcher robot”, Proceedings of Controlo 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010.
- Carvalho, A. , Brito, P. , Santos, J. , Caramelo, F.J. , Veiga, G. , Vasconcelos, B. , Francischone JR, C.E., Pires, J.N. , Botelho, M.F. “Influence of impression material on the accuracy of multiple implant impressions: a robotic procedure.” M.F. II International Congress of Implantology, S. Paulo, Brasil, 2010.
- Caramelo, F.J. , Brito, P., Santos, J., Carvalho, A., Veiga, G., Vasconcelos, B., Pires, J. N., Botelho, M.F.; “In vitro method for test and measure the accuracy of implant impression“, Proceedings of the 6 International Conference on Tecnhology and Medical Sciences, p 329-331, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010
- Brito, P., Carvalho, A. ,Santos, J., Caramelo, F.J., Veiga, G., Vasconcelos, B., Francischone JR, C.E., Pires, J.N., Botelho, “Photoelastic strain/stress Analysis Surrounding Implant-Supported Prosthesis with Force Controlled Robotic Arm”, M.F. II International Congress of Implantology, S. Paulo, Brasil, 2010.
- Veiga, G, Malaca, P, Pires, JN, “Comparative study on the use of network services in robotic work-cells”, Proceedings 2010 International Conference on Information, Networking and Automation, Kunming, 2010.
- Neto, N. Mendes, N. Mourato, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Attracting students to engineering: using intuitive HRIs for educational purposes”, The 15th Robot World Cup & Congress 2010, FIRA 2010, pp. 250-257, Bangalore, India, 2010
- Mendes, P. Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Fuzzy-PI force control for industrial robotics”, The 15th Robot World Cup & Congress 2010, FIRA 2010, pp. 322-329, Bangalore, India, 2010
- Neto, N. Mendes, R. Araújo, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Intuitive robot programming based on CAD: dealing with unstructured environments”, The 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010
- Ferreira, P. Malheiros, A.P. Moreira, J.N. Pires, P. Neto, “Low-cost laser scan for flexible robotic cells: spray painting application”, The 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010
- Neto, N. Mendes, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “CAD-based robot programming: the role of Fuzzy-PI force control in unstructured environments”, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2010, pp. 362-367, Toronto, Canada, 2010
- Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “3D CAD-based robot programming for the SME shop-floor”, The 20th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2010, San Francisco, USA, 2010
- Ferreira, A. P. Moreira, P. Malheiros and J. N. Pires, “Highly Flexible Robotized Cells: application to small series painting”, FAIM2010 – 20th International Conference – Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, pp 244-251, 12-14 July, 2010, California State University, East Bay, Oakland, USA
- Neto, J. N. Pires, A. P. Moreira, “CAD-Based Off-Line Robot Programming” 4th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2010, pp. 516-521, Singapore, 2010
- Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Robot path simulation: a low cost solution based on CAD”, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2010, pp. 333-338, Singapore, 2010
- Ferreira, A. P. Moreira, P. Malheiros and J. N. Pires, “Robotized Painting with Automatic Reconfiguration” – ROBOTICA 2010 – 10th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, ISBN: 978-972-8793-32-6, pp.79-84, 24th March, 2010, Leiria, portugal,
- Neto, J.N. Pires, A.P. Moreira, “Accelerometer-based control of an industrial robotic arm”, The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2009, pp. 1192-1197, Toyama, Japan, 2009
- Pires, JN, “From the Coworker to the Cognitive Factory Scenario: New Developments for SME Manufacturing”, 4th International Congress on Welding Technology and Manufacturing 5 to 7 of November, 2009, Saltillo, México – Nota: este artigo foi apresentado a convite, sendo objeto de uma conferencia plenária.
- Veiga, G., Pires, J.N., ”USING ROBOT PROGRAMING LANGUAGES TO SPECIFY SERVICE CONTRACTS”, Proceedings of Controlo 2008, Special Session on Robotics Applications, Vila-Real, Portugal, 2008
- Neto, J.N. Pires, “Co-worker scenario for SMEs: programming robots using 3D CAD packages”, The 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2008, pp. 858-863, Vila Real, Portugal, 2008
- Veiga, G., Pires, J.N., “PLUG-AND-PRODUCE TECHNOLOGIES, On the use of Statecharts for the orchestration of service oriented industrial robotic cells”, ICINCO International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Madeira, Portugal, May, 2008.
- Pires, J.N., “The Industrial robot as a human coworker: the role of the speech interfaces”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2007), Portugal, November 2007.
- Pires, J.N.; Veiga, G.; Nilsson, N., “On the Use of Service Oriented Software Platforms for Industrial Robotic Cells”, IFAC International Workshop Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’07), University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, May 23-25, 2007.
- Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Loureiro, A., “Experiments using an industrial robotic system programmed from CAD files”, proceeedings of the IEEE Mechatronics and Robotics Conference, Aachen, Germany, September 2004.
- Pires, JN, Paulo, Sérgio, “High efficient robotic de-palletizing system for the non-flat ceramic industry”, ICRA 2003 – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taiwan, September 2003 (Devido à SARS esta conferência, que estava planeada para Maio de 2003, foi adiada para Setembro de 2003).
- Pires, JN, and Pereira, TD, “Robotics and the Construction Industry”, proceedings of the SECOND INTERNATIONAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE (ISEC 03), Rome, September 23-26, 2003.
- Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Correia, R., “Aplicação para o ensino da variação de velocidade de motores de indução”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Correia, R., “Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para programação de robôs com interface com ficheiros CAD”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Pires, JN, Godinho, T., “Controlo de Força em Robótica Industrial”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Pires, JN, Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Loureiro, A., “Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Controlo Paramétrico de Robô de Soldadura”, Actas da 6ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia Mecânica, 14-18 de Outubro de 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Ferreira, P., Godinho, T., Pires, JN, “Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para Controlo Paramétrico de Robôs Industriais de Soldadura através da interface com Ficheiros CAD”, Actas das 3as Jornadas Politécnicas de Engenharia, Coimbra, 19-20 Novembro de 2003.
- Pires, JN, “Handling Industrial High Efficient Robotic Setups for the Automobile Glass Industry”, ISR’2002, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2002.
- PEREIRA, Telmo; SANTOS, Cristina Calmeiro dos; PIRES, Norberto, “The use of robots in the construction industry”, XXX IAHS World Congress on Housing Construction, 9-13 September, 2002, Coimbra
- Pires, JN, Monteiro, P, Schölzke, V, “Using Robot Manipulators on High Efficient Wrapping Machines for Paper Industry”, ISR’2001, Seoul, Korea, April 2001.
- Pires, JN, “Remote Monitoring and Inspection of Robotic Manufacturing Cells”, AIM’01 – 2001 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Como, Italy, June 2001.
- Pires, JN, Monteiro, P, Schölzke, V, “Using e-Manufacturing and Object-Oriented Software to assist High Efficient Wrapping Machines in the Paper Industry”, Proceedings of the 2nd International IFAC Conference on Assembly and Disassembly, IAD’2001, Brasil, 2001
- Sá da Costa, JMG, Pires, JN, “Future Welding Robot Developments”, International Workshop on Robotic Welding Systems and Process Monitoring, Coimbra, Portugal, 2001.
- Pires, JN, “Using Industrial Robots with Construction Tasks”, Proceedings of ISARC’17 – International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2000.
- Brandão, F, Vaz J, Pires, JN, “Programming Robotic and Automation Applications from Matlab”, Proceedings of the Controlo’2000 – Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Guimarães, Portugal, October 2000.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Running an Industrial Robot from a typical Personal Computer“, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Portugal, September 1998.
- Pires, JN, “Integrating a Force/Torque Sensor with an Industrial Manipulator“, Proceedings of the 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – Special Session on Robotics and Automation, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Position Sensing and Motor Control in Industrial Robotics“, Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Guimarães, Portugal, July 1997.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Cinemática Directa e Inversa de Robôs Manipuladores Industriais“, 3rd Ibero-American Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Habana, Cuba, September of 1997.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “A Real Time System for Position/Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators“, Proceedings of the 7th International Machine Design Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 1996.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Implementation of a Real Time System for Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators“, Proceedings of the IASTED Robotics and Manufacturing International Conference, Honolulu, USA, 1996.
- Pires, JN, “Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators: Implementation Aspects using Industrial Robots”, Advanced Course on Modelling and Control of Mechanisms and Robots, Forlí-Bertinoro, Italy, 1996.
- Pires, JN e Sá da Costa JMG, “Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators: Overview of a Real Time Control System“, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 1996.
- Pires, JN e Sá da Costa JMG, “Motion and Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators: a Hybrid Control Architecture“, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 1996.
- Pires, JN, Sá da Costa, JMG, “Controlo de Posição e Força de Robôs Manipuladores“, 2th Ibero-American Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, 1995.
- Pires, JN, Cardoso, F, “Sistema de Integração de Instrumentos Virtuais“, 2th Ibero-American Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, 1995.
- Pires, JN, “Sistema de Instrumentação, teste, automação e controlo“, 1º Encontro Nacional de Automação, CENERTEC, Lisboa, 1993