Springer-Nature Journal: Current Robotics Reports

It is my pleasure to inform that a new and exciting journal in the area of Robotics, where I have the honor to serve as Section Editor in Robotics in Manufacturing, is being prepared by Springer-Nature.

Journal Website: https://www.springer.com/journal/43154

The new journal is named Springer-Nature Current Robotics Reports and the first issue will appear in January 2020.

Editorial team

Editor-in-chief: François Michaud (University of Sherbrooke, Canada)

Section Editor in Robotics in Manufacturing: J. Norberto Pires (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Section Editor in Agriculture Robotics: John Billingsley (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

Aims and Scope

Springer-Nature Current Robotics Reports aims to offer expert review articles on the most significant recent developments in the field of robotics. By providing clear, insightful, balanced contributions, the journal intends to serve all those who use robotic technologies in manufacturing, medicine, defense, service, agriculture, among others.

We accomplish this aim by appointing international authorities to serve as Section Editors in key subject areas across the field. Section Editors select topics for which leading experts contribute comprehensive review articles that emphasize new developments and recently published papers of major importance, highlighted by annotated reference lists. An Editorial Board of more than 20 internationally diverse members reviews the annual table of contents, ensures that topics include emerging research, and suggests topics of special importance to their country/region.

Topics covered may include diagnostic medical robotics; orthopedic robotics and exoskeletons; rehabilitation and assistive robotics; surgical robotics; nanorobotics and microrobotics; robotics in manufacturing; space robotics; defense, military and surveillance robotics; service and interactive robotics; group robotics; and agriculture robotics.

We hope that you consider this new and really exciting Springer-Nature journal to publish your most breakthrough research work.

Keynote speaker at SIMS2020 – NTNU (Norway)

It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ll be doing an INVITED KEYNOTE SPEECH, entitled “Intelligent robot based additive-manufacturing systems”, at the forthcoming 3rd International Symposium on Small-Scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, that will take place at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Additive-Manufacturing Developments

Additive-manufacturing robotic systems, manufacturer independent software and recent developments

The following site show our later (public) developments on additive-manufacturing using robots. Other major developments are being carried out, but are not public yet 🙂

This is a join effort between me, along with Teresa Vieira, Daniel Gatões and others, at the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), and Amin S. Azar, at SINTEF (Norway).

Other partners are cooperating with us, like, for example RoboDK, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Rosa Miranda and Telmo Santos), several companies and many others that I cannot make public yet.

Expect exciting news very soon 🙂

In the meantime, we’ll be launching two editorial products:

1. A Springer Nature book, entitled “Additive-manufacturing robots: fundamentals, technologies and systems“, J. Norberto Pires (Universidade de Coimbra Portugal), Amin S. Azar (SINTEF, Norway), 2019.

2. A Springer Nature collection of videos about Additive-Manufacturing produced and presented by J. Norberto Pires (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) and Amin S. Azar (SINTEF, Norway), 2019.

Stay tuned 🙂

Our Additive-manufacturing videos and papers: here.

LinkedIn post here.

My list of books was updated. Just check it :-)

My list of books was updated, including the latest 2 books for the Portuguese speaking market (which includes Brasil, Angola, Mozambique and all portuguese speaking African countries, Goa, India and Macau), but also the near to come Springer-Nature book on Additive-Manufacturing and a new product launched by Springer-Nature: Science Videos. We’ll launch soon a collection of videos on Additive-Manufacturing 🙂

Check here.

Palestrante convidado do XII Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista

É com prazer que anuncio que farei uma palestra a convite no XII Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, o qual decorrerá em Coimbra, no Convento de São Francisco, nos dias 21 e 22 de Novembro de 2019. A palestra terá o título:

“Impressão 3D de metais. Técnicas e processos de simulação. Uma plataforma robótica para deposição por laser e com soldadura”

Palestrantes convidados: aqui.

Mais informação sobre o congresso: aqui.

O livro “Automação e Controlo Industrial – Indústria 4.0” já está nas livrarias.

Finalmente, depois de um cuidado tempo de produção, o livro “Automação e Controlo Industrial – Indústria 4.0” já está nas livrarias e pode ser adquirido online. Aqui vão alguns dos sites que encontrei na web:

Site da editora (LIDEL): https://www.lidel.pt/pt/catalogo/engenharia-ciencias-da-terra/automacao/automacao-e-controlo-industrial/

Site da ALMEDINA: https://www.almedina.net/product_info.php?products_id=51597

Site da BERTRAND: https://www.bertrand.pt/livro/automacao-e-controlo-industrial-j-norberto-pires/23018263

Site da FNAC: https://www.fnac.pt/Automacao-e-Controlo-Industrial-Norberto-J-Pires/a6767060

Site da WOOK: https://www.wook.pt/livro/automacao-e-controlo-industrial-j-norberto-pires/23018263

New Springer-Nature book: Additive-Manufacturing Robots


I’m proud to announce that we basically reached an agreement with SPRINGER-NATURE (the recognized best publisher in science and technology) for the upcoming book: Pires, J. Norberto, Amin S. Azar, “Additive-manufacturing robots: Fundamentals, Technologies and Systems”, Springer-Nature Book, Switerland, May, 2019 I want to thank my co-author, Amin S. Azar, for joining me in this project, a key researcher at the Materials processing and modelling group at SINTEF (Norway) – a research group managed by Dr. Mohammed M’Hamdi. I want also to thank Springer-NATURE (Switzerland) for the trust and support, namely my editor Anthony Doyle.

It was/is a pleasure working with you Amin.

همکاری با تو تجربه خوبی بود, امین

Abstract of the BOOK

This book is about additive manufacturing of large metal parts. Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have recently turned into a mainstream production method in many industries. The adoption of new manufacturing scenarios led to the necessity of cross-disciplinary developments by combining several fields such as materials, robotics and computer programming. In the 1980s the rapid prototyping method was developed as a way to produce 3D objects, layer by layer, directly from CAD packages. It was a significant advance in industry, since models and prototypes could be easily produced. Additive Manufacturing (AM) extended significantly this concept, just by introducing a set of technologies that allow a 3D object to be built by the simple process of adding layer upon layer of material until reaching the desired shape. The main advantage of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) is the versatility of the concept, which allows to create virtually any 3D shape, since they are all bases in layer-by-layer manufacturing. Consequently, modelling and prototyping were the first applications. But quickly it started to be applied to manufacturing of small series, tricky parts, etc., and are now seriously considered for the production of large metal parts that are difficult to manufacture in traditional manufacturing plants, i.e., using traditional manufacturing technologies. Also, producing complex 3D parts, for several industries, including aeronautics and space, seems easier and more efficient if AM is included in the manufacturing process. In fact, AM has grown significantly in the past years, especially because of the industrial interest on the subject. However, it is important to clarify that AM is not just limited to the commonly used printers, optimized to build plastic parts. ASTM committee, published a set of standards which describe all the current 7 classes of AM technology. As in the conventional technologies, each AM technology uses specifics materials, since the genetics of the processes does not allow a full material coverage. AM promises to overcome many boundaries imposed by conventional manufacturing technologies such as the production limitations of components with complex geometries/shape, and the excessive waste of material due to excessive wall thickness or the type of the technological process. However, it is important to notice that in an industrial environment, all of these AM technologies are only possible due to the integration of multidisciplinary areas. Industrial robot manipulators have been allied with AM technologies due to the fact that they are machines with a huge potential in this field, since they have natural characteristics that make them enabled to perform AM tasks such as the ability to perform repetitive tasks, a high reliability and performance, easy to program and control, and, the ability to fabricate large components, an option that is challenging for common AM machines. In summary, the robot-assisted AM technologies are paving the way to become an eminent part of the factories of the future. It is hard to ensure that by implementing these technologies, the challenges will be settled. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that it will help to reach a commonly acceptable resolution. In this line, the major contribution would be in terms of elevating the grade of these machinery to reach the level of plug-and-play and higher autonomy, with the objective of eliminating the inconveniences and challenges in programming of these advanced machines for executing a sophisticated printing task. This book covers all the major AM technologies and discusses how they can be implemented using industrial robots. It pays considerable attention to system and software aspects, trying to define the rules to interface with existing software packages (simulation and material selection) and databases (materials). We expect that it could be a reference in this area, providing the valuable information that any engineer and scientist working in this area needs to have things done and to understand how things work.

Bellow 1st page of the contract with Springer-Nature for this book:

Vídeo de apresentação do livro “Robótica Industrial, Indústria 4.0”, J. Norberto Pires, Lidel, 2018

Numa altura em que os sistemas automáticos, os sistemas inteligentes, a inteligência artificial e os robôs são elementos do nosso dia a dia e ameaçam fazer uma transformação radical na forma como vivemos e trabalhamos, faz sentido estudar os fundamentos de uma das áreas mais importantes nos desenvolvimentos que permitiram a 4.ª revolução industrial: a Robótica Industrial.

Trata-se de uma área muito vasta que integra conhecimentos de muitas outras áreas científicas e técnicas, pelo que este livro não pretende ser exaustivo, pois essa seria uma tarefa impossível. Mas pretende abrir os horizontes, fornecendo as pistas necessárias para quem procura uma introdução ou um complemento. Nessa perspetiva, tem capítulos mais introdutórios e outros mais avançados, procurando, assim, responder aos dois tipos de público.

Este livro foi preparado para ser um guia detalhado para uma disciplina de Robótica Industrial ao nível do terceiro ou quarto ano de um curso superior, universitário ou politécnico, de Engenharia Mecânica, Industrial, de Produção, Eletrotécnica, etc., estando também particularmente adaptado para profissionais da indústria de automação, como os integradores desistema, incluindo utilizadores finais. O livro contém um conjunto muito alargado de exemplos práticos totalmente desenvolvidos e explicados. Além disso, todos os programas implementados para esses exemplos, assim como vídeos de demonstração, são fornecidos num pacote de software e outras ferramentas, disponíveis num site desenvolvido pelo autor.

List of Publications – updated

My list of journal publications was updated with the following papers:

  1. Ribeiro, F., Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Implementation of a robot control architecture for additive manufacturing applications”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, to appear, 2019 (IF 2017: 1,213);
  2. Neves, J., Serrario, D., Pires J.N., “Application of Mixed Reality in Robot Manipulator Programming”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, Nº5, 2018 (IF 2017: 1,213);
  3. Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Advances in Robotics for Additive/Hybrid Manufacturing: Robot Control, Speech Interface and Path Planning”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.45, Nº3, 2018 (IF 2017: 1,213);
  4. Pires J. N., Amin S. Azar, “Norsk bidrag til kombinert revolusjon av 3D-printing og robotikk”, Maskinregisteret Journal (Norway), March 2017 (online journal distributed by major companies in northern Europe);
  5. Pires J.N., Amin S. Azar, “Add, Subtract, and Finish in the same Manufacturing Platform”, January 2017 (3ders.org is the most read only magazine in 3D Printing – 1.5 million readers per month).


Advances in robotics for additive/hybrid manufacturing: robot control, speech interface and path planning

Este é o meu mais recente artigo em revista, em co-autoria como o meu colega e amigo Amin Azar (SINTEF, Noruega). Saiu agora em período de EarlyCite. O projeto está em curso e terá em breve notícias sobre financiamentos, etc.

This paper aims to introduce the ideas of practical implications of using industrial robots to implement additive/hybrid manufacturing. The process is discussed and briefly demonstrated. This paper also introduces recent developments on human–machine interface for robotic manufacturing cells, namely the ones used for additive/hybrid manufacturing, as well as interoperability methods between the computer-aided design (CAD) data and material modeling systems. It is presented – using a few solutions developed by the authors – as a set of conceptual guidelines discussed throughout the paper and as a way to demonstrate how they can be applied and their practical implications.


The possibility to program the system from CAD information, which is argued to be crucial, is explored, and the methods necessary for connecting the CAD data to material modeling systems are introduced. This paper also discusses in detail the main requirements (also from a system point-of-view) needed for a full implementation of the presented ideas and methods. A few simulations to better characterize the interactions from heat conduction and physical metallurgy were conducted in an effort to better tune the additive manufacturing process. The results demonstrate how the toolpath planning and deposition strategies can be extracted and studied from a CAD model.


The paper fully demonstrates the possibility to use a robotic setup for additive manufacturing applications and shows the first steps of an innovative system designed with that objective.


Using the aimed platform, unsupervised net-shaping of complex components will substitute the cumbersome processes, and it is expected that such a visionary concept brings about a significant reduction in cost, energy consumption, lead time and production waste through the introduction of optimized and interactive processes. This can be considered as a breakthrough in the field of manufacturing and metal processing as the performance is indicated to increase significantly compared to the current instruction-dependent methods.

Link: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/IR-01-2018-0017

Um fantástico sucesso editorial

O capítulo “Industrial Robotics” da 2ª edição do Robotics Handbook (Springer) tem sido muito bem sucedido em termos de visibilidade: cerca de 13k downloads do site SPRINGER.

Como coautor do capítulo – “Robótica Industrial“, Martin Hägele (IPA-Fraunhofer), Klas Nilsson (Universidade de Lund), J. Norberto Pires (Universidade de Coimbra), Rainer Bischoff (Kuka Robotics) – estou muito feliz com o interesse do capítulo, então convido todos a navegar, veja as referências e vídeos associados ao capítulo.

O próprio manual, com download de 1.27M, é # 4 entre os livros de melhor desempenho de Springer em Engenharia e # 1 entre aqueles em inglês!


The Industrial Robotics chapter of the 2nd edition of the Robotics Handbook (Springer) has been very successful in terms of visibility: around 13k downloads from the SPRINGER website.

As co-author of the chapter – “Industrial Robotics“, Martin Hägele (IPA-Fraunhofer), Klas Nilsson (Lund University), J. Norberto Pires (University of Coimbra), Rainer Bischoff (Kuka Robotics) – I’m very happy with the interest about the chapter, so I invite you all to browse it, see the references and videos associated with the chapter.

The handbook itself, with 1.27M download, is #4 among Springer best performing books in Engineering, and #1 among those in English


Link para bookmetrix: http://www.bookmetrix.com/detail/book/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1?sap-outbound-id=3C4E4ADB86AC492F9EEF862415BFB578AB29A58F

Link para o chapter, videos ,e references: https://link.springer.com/chapte/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_54

Link para o “Handbook of Robotics”: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1

Coimbra com futuro: Active Space Automation

(8º episódio do Programa “E se…”). Um programa que faço para o Coimbra Canal, com a realização de Rijo Madeira)

A região de Coimbra tem sido capaz de gerar tecnologia e negócios que se distinguem no mundo. São vários os exemplos de empreendedores, empresas e produtos que têm o nome de Coimbra de alguma forma associado. No “E se…” vamos falar dessas pessoas, dessas empresas e desses produtos. A ideia não é mentir e dizer que está tudo bem. A ideia é contar a verdade, mostrar que com a estratégia certa, com a capacidade coordenar os vários atores da região, com a capacidade de incentivar os motores de desenvolvimento, Coimbra tem condições para fixar empreendedores, atrair e fixar atividade económica e construir soluções que podem fazer a diferença nas várias áreas de atividade.

Hoje vamos ver o exemplo da Active Space Automation, uma empresa recentemente criada como spin-off da ActiveSpace Automation – empresa criada há cerca de 13 anos e que se dedica a sistemas para o ESPAÇO.
A indústria pede sistemas de transporte para armazenamento e para ambiente produtivo.
Em armazém, por exemplo, existem várias tarefas a automatizar e que estão essencialmente ligadas ao transporte de peças para armazenar ou para constituir uma encomenda que, entretanto, foi efetuada. Um grande armazém com, por exemplo, a AMAZON ou o ALIBABA têm uma movimentação frenética que precisa deste tipo de máquinas.

De uma maneira geral, qualquer armazém com encomendas online beneficia muito de uma operação deste tipo que automatize e agilize a cadeia logística.

Em ambiente produtivo, isto é, para tarefas de alimentação de linhas com as peças necessárias, transporte de produtos semiacabados, armazenamento intermédio e final, etc., os AGV são também muito usados.

Em Coimbra, uma empresa aceitou o desafio de entrar neste mercado. Criou um AGV que pode ser utilizado em todas essas tarefas.

A empresa é a Active Space Automation e o AGV é o ActiveONE.

A Active Space Automation tem 14 trabalhadores (50 no total da Active Space) e espera faturar cerca de 700 mil euros em 2017 (3 milhões no total da Active Space). Está localizada em Taveiro e tem excelentes condições para desenhar, projetar, construir e comercializar soluções que utilizem esta tecnologia.
Capacidade de projeto em 3D.
Capacidade de desenvolvimento de eletrónica.
Capacidade de soluções de controlo.
Meios de produção de protótipos.
Capacidades de teste.

Uma equipa jovem e fortemente motivada para este tipo de soluções.
Um dia (em 2015), com um protótipo, abordaram uma grande empresa (A AutoEuropa) e prometeram que teriam um produto em breve. Cumpriram prazos e ganharam um parceiro.

Mas o que é o ActiveONE?
É um AGV, filo-guiado, isto é, que segue um trilho eletromagnético colocado no chão (o trajeto), de construção nacional e que pode ser usado nas soluções mais exigentes: é preciso, rápido (1500 mm/s), com elevada capacidade de autonomia (em operação normal as baterias não precisam de carga durante mais de 7-8 horas), capacidade de movimentação de carga até 800 kg, ligação em rede sem fios, etc.

Deixo-vos com o ActiveOne e com a Active Space Automation. Este produto, estes empreendedores e esta empresa são um exemplo do que Coimbra pode fazer e como pode liderar mesmo nas áreas mais exigentes. São um bom exemplo de visão, de capacidade de fazer parcerias, da capacidade de realizar e mostram um vislumbre de uma região onde as coisas acontecem.

E se Coimbra estivesse focada nessa ideia de criar as condições para projetar e produzir as soluções tecnológicas do futuro?

Não seria tudo diferente?

I Congresso Nacional de Consultores

I Congresso Nacional de Consultores

Realiza-se no próximo dia 16 de Novembro o I Congresso Nacional de Consultores. O local do evento é o Auditório do MillenniumBCP em Lisboa (Rua do Ouro, 130, Lisboa).

Pode encontrar mais detalhe sobre o evento no programa abaixo, bem como nos seguintes endereços na internet:

Pessoalmente participarei na 2º sessão dedicada a uma Visão para 2030, com uma comunicação intitulada “Indústria 4.0: as oportunidades, os desafios e o impacto social“.




My scientific publications are divided in:

Teses (THESIS) Livros (BOOKS) Artigos (PAPERS) Palestras (TALKS)Outros (OTHERS) (includes scientific and technical dissemination)

INDEXED BOOKS: There are more than 100 million technical and scientific books in the world. Elsevier SCOPUS selected a few for indexing.

Fortunately, several of my books are indexed by SCOPUS, namely, Springer-Nature “Industrial Robot Programming” and Springer-Nature “Welding Robots”.

See full list of books indexed by SCOPUS here.

Databases were my publications are indexed: check here

Other publications can be found in sections:

Revista RobóticaMedia Opinião Outros