This is the last version of the software I’ve done for JR3 Sensors. It allows users to read from several boards at the same time. To each board a “channel” is attached, so when you read, write or configure the sensor you need to specify what channel you are using. That channel must be open. So it means that you can read from an undetermined number of sensors, without having the overhead time of changing handlers. Software included in the package:
– C++ Library for projects using C++ compilers: tested with Microsoft Visual 6 and .NET2003
– ActiveX Controller to use with any ActiveX container.
– Test Application – jr3pci.exe
– LabView Vi’s and example (version 7.1 of LabView)
Download software: HERE
// JR3PCI_FT.h Version 3.00 * Header file *
// JR3 force/torque sensor module
// to use with PCI Receiver Boards
// Robotics and Control Laboratory
// Mechanical Engineering Department
// University of Coimbra – PORTUGAL
// *****************************************************************************
// History
// 19.04.97 – Defined data and added comments
// 20.04.97 – Tested for errors and read copyright from sensor
// 25.05.97 – Tested all functions
// 12.06.01 – Added PCI simple interface
// 13.06.01 – PCI interface tested and functional
// 05.12.01 – PCI interface for several types of boards (multi-processor boards)
// *****************************************************************************
// debbug info:
// Things to check marked with the “Check this norby” label.
// *****************************************************************************
// PCI definitions
#define Jr3ResetAddr 0x18000
#define Jr3NoAddrMask 0x40000
#define Jr3DmAddrMask 0x6000
//int Jr3BaseAddress = 0;
//int Jr3BaseSize = 0;
// Operating System definitions
#define WINDOWS_NT2000 0x0000
#define WINDOWS_9598 0x0001
#define WINDOWS_3X 0x0002
#define UNSUPORTED_OS 0x0003
// Usable offsets at JR3 DSP memory space
#define RAW_C 0x0000
#define COPYRIGHT 0x0040
#define SHUNTS 0x0060
#define DEFAULT_F 0x0068
#define LOAD_E_N 0x006f
#define MIN_F_S 0x0070
#define TRANSFORM_N 0x0077
#define MAX_F_S 0x0078
#define PEAK_A 0x007f
#define FULL_S 0x0080
#define OFFSETS 0x0088
#define OFFSET_N 0x008e
#define VECT_A 0x008f
#define FILTER0 0x0090
#define FILTER1 0x0098
#define FILTER2 0x00a0
#define FILTER3 0x00a8
#define FILTER4 0x00b0
#define FILTER5 0x00b8
#define FILTER6 0x00c0
#define RATE_DA 0x00c8
#define MINIMUM_D 0x00d0
#define MAXIMUM_D 0x00d8
#define NEAR_S_V 0x00e0
#define SAT_V 0x00e1
#define RATE_A 0x00e2
#define RATE_DI 0x00e3
#define RATE_C 0x00e4
#define COMMAND_W2 0x00e5
#define COMMAND_W1 0x00e6
#define COMMAND_W0 0x00e7
#define COUNT1 0x00e8
#define COUNT2 0x00e9
#define COUNT3 0x00ea
#define COUNT4 0x00eb
#define COUNT5 0x00ec
#define COUNT6 0x00ed
#define ERROR_C 0x00ee
#define COUNT_X 0x00ef
#define WARNINGS 0x00f0
#define ERRORS 0x00f1
#define THRESHOLD_B 0x00f2
#define LAST_C 0x00f3
#define EEPROM_V_N 0x00f4
#define SOFTWARE_V_N 0x00f5
#define SOFTWARE_D 0x00f6
#define SOFTWARE_Y 0x00f7
#define SERIAL_N 0x00f8
#define MODEL_N 0x00f9
#define CAL_D 0x00fa
#define CAL_Y 0x00fb
#define UNITS 0x00fc
#define BITS 0x00fd
#define CHANNELS 0x00fe
#define THICKNESS 0x00ff
#define LOAD_E 0x0100
#define TRANSFORMS 0x0200
// Data structures definition. The following structures are used by the sensor
// data definition (bellow).
// Created to hold saturation bits
typedef struct f_m_saturation
unsigned short fx_sat : 1;
unsigned short fy_sat : 1;
unsigned short fz_sat : 1;
unsigned short mx_sat : 1;
unsigned short my_sat : 1;
unsigned short mz_sat : 1;
unsigned short not_used : 10;
} f_m_saturation;
// Each channel uses 4 two-byte words.
// Raw_time contains the DSP internal clock time when the sample was received.
// The clock runs at 1/10 of the cycle time: 10Mhz means a 1MHz clock.
// Raw_data is the raw data received directly from the sensor.
// The sensor data stream can represent 16 channels:
// Channel 0 – Contains the sensor excitation voltage.
// Channel 1-6 – Contains the coupled force data Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and Mz.
// Channel 7 – Contains the sensor calibration data.
// Channel 8-15 – Reserved. Depends on sensor model.
typedef struct raw_channel
unsigned short raw_time;
short raw_data;
short reserved[2];
} raw_channel;
// Layout for the decoupled (after extracting offsets) and filtered force data.
typedef struct force_array
short fx;
short fy;
short fz;
short mx;
short my;
short mz;
short v1;
short v2;
} force_array;
// Layout for the offsets and full scales.
typedef struct six_axis_array
short fx;
short fy;
short fz;
short mx;
short my;
short mz;
} six_axis_array;
// Indicates which axis are to be used when computing the vectors. A vector
// is composed by 3 components and its “magnitude” is placed in V1 and V2.
// V1 defaults to a force vector and V2 defaults to a moment vector.
// Setting changeV1 or changeV2 will change that vector to be the opposite of
// its default.
// *** Check this norby ***
// This is badly defined at JR3 Manual. Correct definition follows:
typedef struct vect_bits
unsigned fx : 1;
unsigned fy : 1;
unsigned fz : 1;
unsigned mx : 1;
unsigned my : 1;
unsigned mz : 1;
unsigned changeV1 : 1;
unsigned changeV2 : 1;
unsigned reserved : 8;
} vect_bits;
// Bit pattern for the warning word: xx_near_sat means that a near saturation
// has been reached or exceeded.
typedef struct warning_bits
unsigned fx_near_sat : 1;
unsigned fy_near_sat : 1;
unsigned fz_near_sat : 1;
unsigned mx_near_sat : 1;
unsigned my_near_sat : 1;
unsigned mz_near_sat : 1;
unsigned reserved : 10;
} warning_bits;
// Bit pattern for the error word:
// 1. xx_sat means that a near saturation has been reached or exceeded.
// 2. memory_error indicates RAM memory error during power up.
// 3. sensor_change indicates that the sensor plugged in (different from the
// original one) has passed CRC check. The user must reset this bit.
// 4. system_busyindicates system busy: transf. change, new full scale or new
// sennsor plugged in.
// 5. cal_crc_bad means that it was a problem transmiting the calibration data
// stored inside the sensor. If this bit does not come to zero 2s after the
// sensor has been plugged in, there is a problem with the sensor’s calibra-
// tion data.
// 6. watch_dog2 indicates that sensor data and clock are being received.
// 7. watch_dog indicates that data line seems to be acting correctly.
// If either watch dog barks, the sensor data is not beig receive correctly.
typedef struct error_bits
unsigned fx_sat : 1;
unsigned fy_sat : 1;
unsigned fz_sat : 1;
unsigned mx_sat : 1;
unsigned my_sat : 1;
unsigned mz_sat : 1;
unsigned reserved : 4;
unsigned memory_error : 1;
unsigned sensor_change : 1;
unsigned system_busy : 1;
unsigned cal_crc_bad : 1;
unsigned watch_dog2 : 1;
unsigned watch_dog : 1;
} error_bits;
// Force_units is an enumerated value defining the different possible enginee-
// ring units used.
// 0 – lbs_in-lbs_mils -> lbs, inches * lbs and inches * 1000
// 1 – N_dNm_mmX10 -> Newtons, Newtons * meters * 10 and mm * 10
// 2 – kgF_kgFcm_mmX10 -> kilograms-Force, kilograms-Force * cm and mm * 10
// 3 – klbs_kin-lbs_mils -> 1000 lbs, 1000 inches * lbs and inches * 1000
typedef enum force_units
} force_units;
// This structure shows the layout for a single threshold packet inside of a
// load envelope. Each load envelope can contain several threshold structures.
// 1. data_address contains the address of the data for that threshold. This
// includes filtered, unfiltered, raw, rate, counters, error and warning data
// 2. threshold is the is the value at which, if data is above or below, the
// bits will be set … (pag.24).
// 3. bit_pattern contains the bits that will be set if the threshold value is
// met or exceeded.
typedef struct thresh_struct
short data_address;
short threshold;
short bit_pattern;
} thresh_struct;
// Layout of a load enveloped packet. Four thresholds are showed … for more
// see manual (pag.25)
// 1. latch_bits is a bit pattern that show which bits the user wants to latch.
// The latched bits will not be reset once the threshold which set them is
// no longer true. In that case the user must reset them using the reset_bit
// command.
// 2. number_of_xx_thresholds specify how many GE/LE threshold there are.
typedef struct le_struct
short latch_bits;
short number_of_ge_thresholds;
short number_of_le_thresholds;
struct thresh_struct thresholds[4];
short reserved;
} le_struct;
// Link types is an enumerated value showing the different possible transform
// link types.
// 0 – end transform packet
// 1 – translate along X axis (TX)
// 2 – translate along Y axis (TY)
// 3 – translate along Z axis (TZ)
// 4 – rotate about X axis (RX)
// 5 – rotate about Y axis (RY)
// 6 – rotate about Z axis (RZ)
// 7 – negate all axes (NEG)
typedef enum link_types
} link_types;
// Structure used to describe a transform.
typedef struct links
enum link_types link_type;
short link_amount;
} links;
typedef struct transform
struct links link[8];
} transform;
// JR3 force/torque sensor data definition. For more information see sensor and
// hardware manuals.
typedef struct force_sensor_data
// Raw_channels is the area used to store the raw data coming from the sensor
// See raw_channel struct definition
struct raw_channel raw_channels[16];
// JR3 copyright notice and reserved address 1
short copyright[0x0018];
short reserved1[0x0008];
// Shunts contains the shunt readings. This is only used when the sensor
// enables GAINS adjustments. Not used with this model, so its value must
// read ALWAYS 0 (zero).
struct six_axis_array shunts;
short reserved2[2];
// Default full scale: used when other full scale is not set by user.
struct six_axis_array default_FS;
short reserved3;
// Load_envelope_num is the load envelope number that is currently in use.
// This value is SET BY THE USER after one of the load envelops has been
// initialized.
short load_envelope_num;
// Recommended minimum full scale (see manual pag.9).
// This is the value at which the data will not saturate prematurely.
struct six_axis_array min_full_scale;
short reserved4;
// Transform_num is the transform number that is currently in use. This value
// is SET BY JR3 DSP after the user used command(5) … see manual (pag.35).
short transform_num;
// Recommended maximum full scale (see manual pag.9).
// This is the maximum value at which no resolution is lost.
struct six_axis_array max_full_scale;
short reserved5;
// Address of the data that will be monitored by the peak routine.
// This value is SET BY THE USER, to check the 8 contiguous addresses.
short peak_address;
// Current full scale used by the sensor (see manual page 10).
// usually it is recommended to compromise in favor of resolution wich means
// that the recommended maximum full scale SHOULD BE CHOSEN.
struct force_array full_scale;
// These are the sensor offsets. They are subtracted from the sensor data to
// obtain the decoupled data (the output data will be then zero).
// To set the future decoupled data to zero add this values to the current
// decoupled data and place the the sum here.
struct six_axis_array offsets;
// This is the current offset. This is SET BY THE JR3 DSP … (pag.10)
short offset_num;
// Bit map showing which of the axis are being used in the vector calculations
// This value is SET BY THE JR3 DSP after … (pag. 11)
struct vect_bits vect_axes;
// Unfiltered and decoupled data (i.e, with the offsets removed) from the
// JR3 sensor
struct force_array filter0;
// Each of following arrays hold the filtered data. The decoupled data passes
// trought a cascade of low pass filters, each having a cutoff frequency 1/4
// of the succeeding filter. Filter 1 has a cutoff frequency of 1/16 of the
// sample rate from the sensor: 500Hz for a typical sensor with a sample rate
// of 8KHz. The rest of the filters would cutoff at 125Hz, 31.25Hz, 7.813Hz,
// 1.953 Hz and 0.4883Hz.
struct force_array filter1;
struct force_array filter2;
struct force_array filter3;
struct force_array filter4;
struct force_array filter5;
struct force_array filter6;
// Calculated rate data, first derivative calculation. Calculated at a
// frequency specified by variable_rate_divisor and calculated on the data
// specified by rate_address.
struct force_array rate_data;
// The following arrays hold the minimum and maximum (peak) data values.
// The JR3 DSP monitors 8 contiguous data items for MIN and MAX values at full
// sensor bandwidth. User must request for area update. The address of the
// data to watch for peaks is specified by peak_address.
// Peak data is lost when executing coordinate transformation, full scale
// change and when a new sensor is plugged in.
struct force_array minimum_data;
struct force_array maximum_data;
// This values are used to determine if the raw sensor is satureted. The decou-
// pling process (offset removal) makes it difficult to say from the processed
// data if the sensor is saturated. Also watch for error and warning words.
// This values may be SET BY THE USER, and the defaults are:
// 80% of ADC full scale for near_sat_value (26214) and
// ADC ful scale for sat_value (32768 – 2^(16 – ADC bits)).
short near_sat_value;
short sat_value;
// Definition for rate calculations:
// Rate_address – address of data used for calculations (8 contiguous)
// Rate_divisor – Determines how often rate is calculated: 1 for rate
// calculation at full sensor bandwith, 0 for calculation
// every 65536 samples … (100 for calc. every 100 samples)
// Rate count – Counts from zero until rate_divisor, at wich the rate is
// calculated: rate_count resets then to zero and …
// Hint: When setting new rate_divisor set rate_count to rate_divisor-1. This
// will speed up the begeening of rate calculations.
short rate_address;
unsigned short rate_divisor;
unsigned short rate_count;
// These areas are used to send commands to the JR3 DSP. The DSp answers with
// a zero (0) when the command was successful and with a negative value to
// indicate an error.
short command_word2;
short command_word1;
short command_word0;
// These values are incremented every time the matching filters are calculated.
// These values can be used to wait for data, i.e, the user should read data
// after count change to ensure that he reads data just once.
unsigned short count1;
unsigned short count2;
unsigned short count3;
unsigned short count4;
unsigned short count5;
unsigned short count6;
// This value counts data reception errors. If it is changing rapidly it means
// that there is some hardware or cabling error. In normal situation it should
// not change at all. It is nevertheless possible to have some activity in
// EXTREMELY NOISY environments: in those cases (not meaning hardware problems)
// the sampled data is ignored.
unsigned short error_count;
// When the JR3 DSP searches it job queue and find nothing to do this counter
// is incremented. it is an indication of the amount of time the DSP was
// available (doing nothing). It can also be used to see if the DSP is alive.
unsigned short count_x;
// Warnings and errors contain the warning and error bits … (pag. 22)
struct warning_bits warnings;
struct error_bits errors;
// Contains the bits that are set by the load envelops … (pages 17 & 22)
short threshold_bits;
// Actual calculated CRC. It should be zero … (pag. 22)
short last_crc;
// EEPROM number and software version
short eeprom_ver_no;
short software_ver_no;
// Release date of the software: day of the year from 1 (1/1) to 365 (31/12) for
// non leap years.
short software_day;
short software_year;
// Serial number and model number: they identify the sensor. Actually the model
// number does not correspond to JR3 model number but provides a unique
// identifier for different sensor configurations.
unsigned short serial_no;
unsigned short model_no;
// Calibration date: day from 1 (1/1) to 366 (31/12) for leap years.
short cal_day;
short cal_year;
// Units defines the units used in this sensor full scale.
enum force_units units;
// Number of bits of the ADC currently in use.
short bits;
// Bit field that specifies the channels the current sensor can send.
short channels;
// Specifies the overall thickness of the sensor.
short thickness;
// Table containing the load envelope descriptions. See le_struct … (pag. 25)
struct le_struct load_envelopes[0x10];
// Table containing the transform descriptions. See transform struct (pag.28).
struct transform transforms[0x10];
} force_sensor_data;
// Note about addressing, reading and writing to/from the DSP space.
// There are 2 two-byte word registers for address and data.
// Address register: base_address + 0 and base_address + 1.
// Data register: base_address + 2 and base_address + 3.
// Read data from JR3
// Input parameter: address, processor number
// Return Value: Value stored at address
short read_jr3(unsigned short, short, short);
// Write data to JR3
// Input parameters: address, value_to_write, processor number
void write_jr3(unsigned short, unsigned short, short, short);
// Command JR3
// Input parameters: address, value_to_write, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was sucessful
short command_jr3(unsigned short, unsigned short, short, short);
// Reads System Warnings
// Input parameters: processor number
// Return Value: warning info in a f_m_saturation format
struct f_m_saturation system_warnings(short, short);
// Reads System Errors (all)
// Input parameters: processor number
// Return Value: error info in a error_bits format
struct error_bits system_errors(short, short);
// Reads Saturation Errors
// Input parameters: processor number
// Return Value: saturation errors info in a f_m_saturation format
struct f_m_saturation saturation(short, short);
//** Individual relevant error bits **********************
// Checks System Busy
// Input parameters: processor number
short system_busy(short,short);
// Checks Memory Error
// Input parameters: processor number
short system_memory_error(short,short);
// Checks Sensor Change
// Input parameters: processor number
short system_sensor_change(short,short);
// Checks Cal_Crc_Bad
// Input parameters: processor number
short system_cal_crc_bad(short,short);
// Checks Watch_Dog2
// Input parameters: processor number
short system_watch_dog2(short,short);
// Checks Watch_Dog
// Input parameters: processor number
short system_watch_dog(short,short);
// Set Vector Axes
// Input Value: Bit_pattern, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short set_vect(short,short,short);
// Prepares envelope to be used
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short prepare_use_envelope(unsigned short, unsigned short,short,short);
// Gets Treshold Status
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short get_threshold_status(short,short);
// Reset Treshhold bits
// Input parameters: processor number
void reset_threshold_bits(short,short);
// Set Transforms
// Input parameters: transform struct, transform num, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short set_transforms(struct transform, short,short,short);
// Use Transform
//Input parameters: transform num, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short use_transform(short,short,short);
// Read force/torque data
// Input parameters: filter address, processor number
// Return Value: F/T data in a force_array format
struct force_array read_ftdata(short,short,short);
// Read Current offsets
// Input parameters: processor number
// Return Value: Offset info in a six_axis_array format
struct six_axis_array read_offsets(short,short);
// Set offsets (function 1)
// Input parameters: New offsets in a six_axis_array format, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short set_offsets(struct six_axis_array,short,short);
// Reset offsets with values of FILTER2
// Input parameters: processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short reset_offsets(short,short);
// Change Offset_Num
// Input parameter: Offset num, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short change_offset_num(short,short,short);
// Use Offset
// Input parameter: Offset num, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short use_offset(short,short,short);
// Set address to watch for peaks
// Input parameters: filter address, processor number
// Return value: 0 if command was successful
short peak_data(short,short,short);
// Set address to watch for peaks and resets internal values to current data
// Input parameters: filter address, processor number
// Return value: 0 if command was successful
short peak_data_reset(short,short,short);
// Read Peak Data
// Input parameters: (0) for Minimum and (1) for Maximum, processor number
// Return Value: Peak data in a force_array format
struct force_array read_peaks(short,short,short);
// Read Actual Full-Scales
// Input parameters: processor number
// Return Value: Full Scales in a sis_axis_array format
struct force_array get_full_scales(short,short);
// Read Recommended Full-Scales (defining MIN_F_S or MAX F_S)
// Input Value: MIN_F_S or MAS_F_S
// Return Value: Recommended Full Scales in a sis_axis_array format
struct six_axis_array get_recommended_full_scales(short,short,short);
// Set JR3 Full_Scales
// Input Value: New Full Scales in a six_axis_array format, processor number
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short set_full_scales(struct six_axis_array,short,short);
// Change bits in a word placed in JR3 DSP memory
// Input values: bitmap_value, bitmap_address
// Return Value: 0 if command was successful
short bit_set(short,short,short,short);
// Input Values: vendor_ID, device_ID, number_of_board, number_of_processors, download
// where
// number_of_board = 1 to single board system
// number_of_processors is the number of processors in the board (1 for simple PCI boards)
// download is a value that should be 1 (if code is to be downloaded) or any other value
// if code was already download and user wants only to open an handle to the board.
// Return Values:
// 0: if running under Windows_NT
// 1: If running under Windows_95
// 2: If running under Windows_311 with win32s
// 3: if running under other operating system -> ERROR: STOP OPERATION.
// -91: Failled to open Handle to Windriver … run wdreg
// -92: Windriver version error
// -93: PCI Card Not Found
// -94: Card Not In Range
// -95: Failed Locking PCI Card (already in use)
// -96: Download Error
short init_jr3(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, short, short, short);
// Removes the environment
void close_jr3(short);
// (c) J. Norberto Pires Robotics and Control Laboratory
#include “jr3pci_ft.h”
#include “jr3_code_lib.h”
#include “g:/windriver/samples/shared/pci_diag_lib.h”
int cmd;
BOOL fUseInt = TRUE;
BOOL fOpenedWithInt = fUseInt;
FILE *f;
BOOL PCI_Get_WD_handle(HANDLE *phWD)
*phWD = WD_Open();
// Check whether handle is valid and version OK
//printf(“Failed opening ” WD_PROD_NAME ” device\n”);
return FALSE;
if (ver.dwVer<WD_VER)
//printf(“Incorrect ” WD_PROD_NAME ” version\n”);
WD_Close (*phWD);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
JR3_CODE_HANDLE JR3_CODE_LocateAndOpenBoard (DWORD dwVendorID, DWORD dwDeviceID, BOOL fUseInt, short *error_code, DWORD my_card)
int a;
*error_code = JR3_CODE_Open (&hJR3_CODE, dwVendorID, dwDeviceID, my_card – 1);
if (*error_code==1)
//printf (“JR3_CODE PCI card found!\n”);
//printf (“%s”, JR3_CODE_ErrorString);
return NULL;}
return hJR3_CODE;
int download(JR3_CODE_HANDLE hJR3_CODE,JR3_CODE_ADDR ad_sp, short pnum)
int count;
/* Open the file to download */
/* Reset the DSP before starting the download */
//JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp,((Jr3ResetAddr << 2) + 0x80000*0), (WORD) 0); /* The first line is a line count */ f = fopen(“jr3pci.idm”, “r”); if (f == NULL) { return (-90); } fscanf(f,”%x\n”,&count); /* Read in file while the count is not 0xffff */ while ( count != 0xffff) { int addr; /* After the count is the address */ fscanf(f,”%x\n”,&addr); //printf(“addr: %4.4x cnt: %5d\n”, addr, count); /* loop count times and write the data to the dsp memory */ while (count > 0)
/* Check to see if this is data memory or program memory */
if (addr & 0x4000)
int data;
/* Data memory is 16 bits and is on one line */
//printf(“Writing 16 bit data …\n”);
//WriteJr3Dm(addr, data);
JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, (addr << 2) +0x80000*pnum, (WORD) data);
/* Verify the write */
if ( data != JR3_CODE_ReadWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, (addr+0x80000*pnum)))
//printf (“addr: %4.4x out: %4.4x in: %4.4x\n”, addr,
// data , JR3_CODE_ReadWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, addr));
int data, data2;
/* Program memory is 24 bits and is on two lines */
//WriteJr3Pm2(addr, data, data2);
//printf(“Writing 24 bit data …\n”);
JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, (addr << 2) +0x80000*pnum, (WORD) data);
JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, ((addr << 2) +0x80000*pnum) | Jr3NoAddrMask, (WORD) data2);
count -= 2;
/* Verify the write */
//if ( ((data << 8) | (data2 & 0xff)) != JR3_CODE_ReadWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, addr) )
// printf (“addr: %4.4x out: %6.6x in: %6.6x\n”, addr,
// (data << 8) | (data2 & 0xff), JR3_CODE_ReadWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp, addr));
//JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE, ad_sp,(Jr3ResetAddr<<2), (WORD) 0);
return (0);
// Routine to find user Operating System
// Everything is initialized
short init_jr3(DWORD vendor_ID, DWORD device_ID, DWORD my_card, short nump, short down, short channel)
DWORD os_version;
short error_code,i;
// make sure WinDriver is loaded
//if (!PCI_Get_WD_handle(&hWD)) return -4;
//WD_Close (hWD);
if (vendor_ID==0) vendor_ID=JR3_CODE_DEFAULT_VENDOR_ID;
if (device_ID==0) device_ID=JR3_CODE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID;
hJR3_CODE1[channel] = NULL;
if (vendor_ID)
hJR3_CODE1[channel] = JR3_CODE_LocateAndOpenBoard(vendor_ID, device_ID, fUseInt, &error_code, my_card);
if (hJR3_CODE1[channel] == NULL) return ((short)error_code);
if (down == 1)
f = fopen(“jr3pci.idm”, “r”);
if (f == NULL)
return (-90);
//for (i=1;i<=nump;i++)
if (nump == 1) JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE1[channel], 0,((Jr3ResetAddr <<2)), (WORD) 0);
else JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE1[channel], 0,((Jr3ResetAddr <<2) + 0x80000 * (nump-1)), (WORD) 0);
for (i=1;i<=nump;i++)
if (download(hJR3_CODE1[channel],0,i-1)!=0) return -96;
if ((os_version & 0x80000000) == 0x00000000) return WINDOWS_NT2000;
if ((os_version & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000) return WINDOWS_9598;
void close_jr3(short channel)
if (hJR3_CODE1[channel]) JR3_CODE_Close(hJR3_CODE1[channel]);
void write_jr3(unsigned short addr, unsigned short data, short pnum, short channel)
JR3_CODE_WriteWord(hJR3_CODE1[channel], 0, ((addr << 2) +0x80000*pnum) | 0x10000, (WORD) data);
short read_jr3(unsigned short addr, short pnum, short channel)
return JR3_CODE_ReadWord(hJR3_CODE1[channel], 0, ((addr << 2) +0x80000*pnum) | 0x10000); } struct f_m_saturation system_warnings(short pnum, short channel) { struct f_m_saturation warning; short aux; aux = read_jr3(WARNINGS,pnum, channel); warning.fx_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0001); warning.fy_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0002); warning.fz_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0004); warning.mx_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0008); warning.my_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0010); warning.mz_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0020); return warning; } struct error_bits system_errors(short pnum, short channel) { struct error_bits error; short aux; aux = read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum, channel); error.fx_sat = aux & 0x0001; error.fy_sat = aux & 0x0002; error.fz_sat = aux & 0x0004; error.mx_sat = aux & 0x0008; error.my_sat = aux & 0x0010; error.mz_sat = aux & 0x0020; error.memory_error = aux & 0x0400; error.sensor_change = aux & 0x0800; error.system_busy = aux & 0x1000; error.cal_crc_bad = aux & 0x2000; error.watch_dog2 = aux & 0x4000; error.watch_dog = aux & 0x8000; return error; } struct f_m_saturation saturation(short pnum, short channel) { struct f_m_saturation error; short aux; aux = read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum, channel); error.fx_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0001); error.fy_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0002); error.fz_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0004); error.mx_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0008); error.my_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0010); error.mz_sat = (unsigned short)(aux & 0x0020); return error; } short system_busy(short pnum, short channel) { return (short(read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum, channel) & 0x1000)); } short command_jr3(unsigned short addr, unsigned short data,short pnum, short channel) { write_jr3(addr,data,pnum, channel); //outpw(BASE_ADDR, addr); // Writes address into address register //outpw(BASE_ADDR+2, data); // Writes data into data register //while(system_busy()); return 0; } short system_memory_error(short pnum, short channel) { return (short(read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum, channel) & 0x0400)); } short system_sensor_change(short pnum, short channel) { return (short(read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum, channel) & 0x0800)); } short system_cal_crc_bad(short pnum, short channel) { return (short(read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum,channel) & 0x2000)); } short system_watch_dog2(short pnum, short channel) { return (short(read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum,channel) & 0x04000)); } short system_watch_dog(short pnum, short channel) { return (short(read_jr3(ERRORS,pnum,channel) & 0x8000)); } short set_vect(short bit_pattern,short pnum, short channel) { return command_jr3(COMMAND_W0, bit_pattern,pnum,channel); } short get_threshold_status(short pnum, short channel) { return read_jr3(THRESHOLD_B,pnum,channel); } void reset_threshold_bits(short pnum, short channel) { write_jr3(COMMAND_W2, 0xff00,pnum,channel); // Reset top 8 bits write_jr3(COMMAND_W1, THRESHOLD_B,pnum,channel); // Address of threshold bits write_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0400,pnum,channel); // Reset bits } struct force_array read_ftdata(short filter,short pnum, short channel) { struct force_array force; force.fx = read_jr3(filter,pnum,channel); force.fy = read_jr3(filter+1,pnum,channel); force.fz = read_jr3(filter+2,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(filter+3,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(filter+4,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(filter+5,pnum,channel); force.v1 = read_jr3(filter+6,pnum,channel); force.v2 = read_jr3(filter+7,pnum,channel); return force; } short set_transforms(struct transform transf, short num,short pnum, short channel) { short i=1; unsigned short addr; addr=TRANSFORMS+num*0x0010; if ((num > 0x000f) || (num < 0)) num = 0x0000;
while(([i].link_type != 0) && (i <= 6))
while (system_busy(pnum,channel));
return (0);
short use_transform(short transf_num,short pnum, short channel)
write_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0500+transf_num,pnum,channel);
return (0);
struct six_axis_array read_offsets(short pnum, short channel)
struct six_axis_array offset;
offset.fx = read_jr3(OFFSETS,pnum,channel);
offset.fy = read_jr3(OFFSETS+1,pnum,channel);
offset.fz = read_jr3(OFFSETS+2,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(OFFSETS+3,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(OFFSETS+4,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(OFFSETS+5,pnum,channel);
return offset;
// The JR3 DSP can store 16 different offset tables: 0x00 to 0x0f
short set_offsets(struct six_axis_array offsets,short pnum, short channel)
write_jr3(OFFSETS,(short)offsets.fx,pnum,channel); // Writing new offsets
return command_jr3(COMMAND_W0,0x0700,pnum,channel);
short change_offset_num(short offset_num,short pnum, short channel)
return command_jr3(OFFSET_N,offset_num,pnum,channel);
short reset_offsets(short pnum, short channel)
return command_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0800,pnum,channel);
short use_offset(short offset_num,short pnum, short channel)
short timout;
write_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0600+offset_num,pnum,channel);
while ((offset_num != read_jr3(OFFSET_N,pnum,channel)) && (timout < 1000)) timout++; return timout; } short peak_data(short data,short pnum, short channel) { write_jr3(PEAK_A, data,pnum,channel); write_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0c00,pnum,channel); return read_jr3(COMMAND_W0,pnum,channel); } short peak_data_reset(short data,short pnum, short channel) { write_jr3(PEAK_A, data,pnum,channel); write_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0b00,pnum,channel); return read_jr3(COMMAND_W0,pnum,channel); } struct force_array read_peaks(short type,short pnum, short channel) { if ((type*0x0008) >= 0x0008) type = 0x0008;
struct force_array peaks;
peaks.fx = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + type,pnum,channel);
peaks.fy = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 1 + type,pnum,channel);
peaks.fz = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 2 + type,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 3 + type,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 4 + type,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 5 + type,pnum,channel);
peaks.v1 = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 6 + type,pnum,channel);
peaks.v2 = read_jr3(MINIMUM_D + 7 + type,pnum,channel);
return peaks;
short bit_set(short bit_map, short addr,short pnum, short channel)
write_jr3(COMMAND_W2, bit_map,pnum,channel);
write_jr3(COMMAND_W1, addr,pnum,channel);
return command_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0300,pnum,channel);
short set_full_scales(struct six_axis_array new_full_scale,short pnum, short channel)
unsigned short a;
write_jr3(a++, new_full_scale.fx,pnum,channel);
write_jr3(a++, new_full_scale.fy,pnum,channel);
write_jr3(a++, new_full_scale.fz,pnum,channel);
write_jr3(COMMAND_W0, 0x0a00,pnum,channel);
//while (system_busy());
return (0);
struct force_array get_full_scales(short pnum, short channel)
struct force_array old_full_scale;
old_full_scale.fx = read_jr3(FULL_S,pnum,channel);
old_full_scale.fy = read_jr3(FULL_S+1,pnum,channel);
old_full_scale.fz = read_jr3(FULL_S+2,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(FULL_S+3,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(FULL_S+4,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(FULL_S+5,pnum,channel);
old_full_scale.v1 = read_jr3(FULL_S+6,pnum,channel);
old_full_scale.v2 = read_jr3(FULL_S+7,pnum,channel);
return old_full_scale;
struct six_axis_array get_recommended_full_scales(short num,short pnum, short channel)
struct six_axis_array recommended_full_scale;
if ((num != MIN_F_S) && (num != MAX_F_S)) num = MAX_F_S;
recommended_full_scale.fx = read_jr3(num,pnum,channel);
recommended_full_scale.fy = read_jr3(num+1,pnum,channel);
recommended_full_scale.fz = read_jr3(num+2,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(num+3,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(num+4,pnum,channel); = read_jr3(num+5,pnum,channel);
return recommended_full_scale;